Chapter 13

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Divit's POV:

I can't just process what happened. Aadvika was sleeping for almost whole day and we decided to wake her up when she started mumbling as if she had a nightmare.
Surya and Chandra were suddenly so emotional that one thing led to another and now we're here..
I mean it's not a big issue that they call Aadvika maa because in India most people call others as relation like from an unknown auto man as Anna (brother) to neighborhood aunty as athai (aunty) or maa (mother) as a sign of respect to their age.
But that applies to someone who doesn't know Surya and Chandra. I know it's not a sign of respect that they call Aadvika as maa but a sign of affection that they feel for her.
This is so alarming. I don't know what I should do? Allow them be or stop them before they get too close and have a chance of being hurt once again?
I don't know. I'm not an experienced parent. Sometimes I wish being a parent was as easy as being a lawyer. I grow with my boys so I was really clueless.
But the happiness that I saw as they hugged Aadvika and exchanged thanks, I know I have to wait and see.

They both ran to their rooms so they could call Ritu and share this news.
Aadvika glanced at me with the same happiness as my little ones.
Can someone be genuinely happy for others?
I broke the contact and turned away to bring the ointment but her voice stopped me.
"Are you angry? " Her sweet voice travelled across my ears. It was so sweet that I didn't hear what she said.
"Huh What? " I said looking at her. "I knew you would be. Like you only had one condition that I shouldn't trouble you or your family but on the very first day, I brought you the trouble of looking after me. And then I made Surya and Chandra call me maa which they should only call their mother. It's only right that you're angry. You may also think I'm acting or trying to scam you" she said with her gaze now no longer looking at me but down at her fingers.

I didn't really think so. Of course I didn't want my children to grow up in an atmosphere where people often fought so I didn't want troublesome people but that doesn't mean I can just leave her to die outside.
After all I too have humanity and wants to preserve the truth that's why I became a lawyer. So how could I just let a woman suffer just cause I'm having a different perspective.
"It's not that I'm angry. " I said having her attention back on me. She seemed to be little nervous to converse with me. This was not the tiger that threatened to slap me the second time we met.
"It's just I didn't know what to make of these happenings. This is the first time Surya and Chandra has spoken about their mother blatantly. " I said taking a seat opposite to her. She too tried to get up and sit properly. "Don't tire yourself. Get some rest. " I said as she nodded. "I'm sorry but as I have a situation, can I move into my house today itself" she asked once again picking her words carefully and nervous.
"You can't " I said my voice unintentionally harsh. "Oh" a feeble sigh came out. "I knew I broke your condition and deserve this. So sorry. "She slowly got up and sat. With her hands in her stomach she stood.
"Then I'll get going " I got hold of her hands and slowly made her sit. "I told you not to stress. You were prescribed lots of rest. I didn't allow you to go today not because you don't deserve it but because the house was closed for years, so it needs some cleaning. And I need to fetch some items from there. Point two, I can't just let you live there when you can't even do anything on your own in this condition. Stay here for a week, keep company for surya and chandra. I'll call Ritu to come here and stay with you. And take loads of rest before that house is ready. " She seemed shocked but slowly a small gracious smile bloomed in her face fluttering my heart a little. She nodded and thanked me with hands in Namaskar form. "It's fine, I'll give the ointment for the swollen cheeks, apply it for two to three days. " I said and got out. I am afraid my heart would keep tickling me if I stayed.

It's was like two hours later, Aadvika went to stay in the guest room. Ritu would arrive in an hour or so. She was more than happy to help Aadvika. I think she just bewitched everyone.
I was in my home office trying to get some work done.
It was again a case where the criminal was from a rich family and the victim was poor. I've seen such cases before but the thing about this case was different. The rich family seems ready to compensate the victims. But the victims are refusing it. Why would they refuse to when their house was destroyed by those rich people. I need to investigate it. Sighing I made a mental note of things to get done and closed my laptop.
It was already eight in the evening. Time sure flies. I went down to hear loud chatter and giggles. It seems Ritu has also arrived earlier.
Surya and Chandra were enacting some Disney story to Ritu and Aadvika. Ritu was laughing loudly with tears. But what mesmerised me was Aadvika, for the first time she was laughing in a heavenly sound. Her eyes shrunk as she laughed at pointed at Chandra who was monkey dancing now..
Ritu was also now laid on the couch laughing her lungs out.
These boys are really a handful at making people happy.
I slowly made my way to them and quietly sat on the recliner.
Seeing me Surya exclaimed, trying to shush Chandra but he was long gone into his play.  I was wondering what they were even acting.
"And dad look likes a monkey when he dances.  He doesn't know dance. "Chandra mimicked a monkey or me in his justice.  I was shocked. He was imitating me. I got up picked Chandra up as he shrieked seeing me. Surya ran and hid behind Aadvika. As I looked at her she was still smiling and our eyes came in contact. For a minute, I forgot how to breathe. She too stopped smiling and a second later which felt like years she looked away.
I felt my heart beat but the moment was broken by Chandra who was wiggling on my hold. I tickled him." So Chandra, you think I'm a monkey. If I'm a big monkey,  you'd be a lil monkey.  let me show you what this monkey can do. " I start tickling him furiously to which he giggled and somehow got out my hold. He ran inside his room shouting 'Appa (Dad) became a monkey tickling monster'. Soon after Surya followed him in.

Now it was just the adults. Ritu finally got the strength to get up and Aadvika just stayed silent. "Anna your little monkeys are so funny.  We had a great time. " She said shaking her head as of she felt this situation was great. I'm afraid children are going to bury my honour by calling me a monkey everywhere. I shook my head and looked at the time. "Oh, it's already 8'o clock.  I am sorry I was too indulged in work. What should I order for us to eat? " I asked looking at both my sister and Aadvika.
She looked at me nervously. "Hey you don't need to hesitate to ask me what you want to eat" I said trying to make her feel better. But she just looked as if I was gonna kill her if she said something. "Akka tell me what you want" now it was Ritu who asked. For that madam replied.  Great so now I'm ignored in my own house , huh?

"It's not that Ritu. Earlier I asked you whether I could use the kitchen right ?" she asked still a bit hesitant.
"Yes Akka.  And I told you to be free about using it to your heart's content "
"I made some dinner as Surya and Chandra asked me to. "She said.. "These brats.  I told you to rest but why do you have to listen to them.  They're getting too much since I've been lenient on them. " I said getting up so I could speak with those lil ones of mine. Bit as usual her voice stopped me.
"it's fine. I did it out of my own volition. Not their compulsion. I'm sorry if you feel I trespassed your kitchen. And I made some for Ritu and you too.  So you can have some if you'd like to. " she said."You didn't have to Akka. " "It's fine Ritu.  I did for Surya and Chandra so I'm happy " Ahhh. Why should she be this considerate of my children when they've only troubled her a lot.
"Thanks a lot but please don't agree to everything Surya and Chandra wants. They'll get spoiled. " she nodded with a tight smile that didn't reach her eyes. Now this was strange when I've seen her smile wholeheartedly just minutes ago.
"I'll call those two for dinner "saying this I left to give them an earful about not stressing Aadvika.
Five minutes later I came down with my champs who were now set on making sure Aadvika rested a lot.
The table was ready set with everything.
Aadvika and Ritu were chatting about something that happened in her college. When we arrived they joined us in the table.
Aadvika stood to serve us."You-" before I could even say something,  Chandra dragged her to sit next to him and Surya. Good job champs.
Ritu served us while I was busy staring at my champs interacting with Aadvika. They seemed so joyful.And Aadvika reciprocated their enthusiasm. She also looked like a child with them.
After Ritu was done serving,  I looked at the plate to find my favorite chappati and mushroom gravy served.  Oh god, this gotta be amazing.
"My favorite " Surya shrieked. That boy got my tastes bud. "And daddy's too"he said turning everyone's attention on me. Was I supposed to say something. To my rescue came,  Chandra. "What's your age maa?" he questioned Aadvika out of the blue.I mean it saved me out of the awkward situation but I should teach my boy that he shouldn't ask a lady,  her age.
"20"Aadvika chirped while swallowing the chapatti. Woah she is so young. I took a piece of chapatti and dipped it in the gravy and got it inside my mouth. Hell this was the best chapatti and gravy,  I've tasted in years.  But I almost choked on my chapati when Surya spoke.
"Woah maa you're soo young. But appa is an old man. He is 28" he counted with his fingers.  Ritu almost spat her water at his remarks. "Oh Surya!  Anna would be hurt if you say the truth like that "She giggled.
I was petrified. This family of mine is set on embarrassing me today.
I looked at Aadvika to see her stifling a smile that threatened to break out.
Fine,  if it makes everyone happy.  Then I'd let it be.
I playfully pinched Surya's ear to which he dramatically let out a fake cry. This boy is getting more outrageous with each passing day.
The dinner went with more giggles and chatter.  I noticed Aadvika eating only three chapattis. Shouldn't pregnant woman eat more ? Before I could confront her,  my calling bell rang making everyone silent.
"it see who it is. " I went to open the door and was shocked to see my soon to be married brother standing there.
"Hey Anna "
He just passed his greetings and went inside.
All I know is his visit is trouble.

hey my cutie readers. So tell me what's your favorite food? Mine is chapati.

And what do you think is going to happen with divit's brother visit?

Stay tuned to know more.

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