Chapter 17

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Divit's  POV:

I always thought that the fear, anxiety, excitement and happiness  of experiencing a situation cannot be felt the same way on the second time.

But how wrong I was. The little bundle of joy wailing with rosy cheeks and squeezed eyes,  alerting everyone of its presence was laying all curled up in Srivats arms.

"Divit ,the operation was a success. " He said as he smiled down at the little one who has entered  the world.

The baby in his arms gave me the same love, affection, happiness and excitement I felt while welcoming Surya and Chandra to the world.

I sighed in relaxation.  I felt relieved now that both were safe and sound. I felt my headache vanish at the sound of the sweet cries of the new born.

It took me minutes to stop staring at the small bundle of nerves and muscle wrapped in the towel, wailing it's welcome song and look up at the doctor.

"10.15 pm, September 15.  The baby girl is 6 pounds and healthy but still needs to be kept at the hospital for three days for further observationas it's a premature delivery. The mother is also safe. " The other doctor said as he nodded at Srivats before going down the corridor.

The wailings got feeble as the little one slowly slept as her rhythmic breaths were visible .

"It's a girl" I said to no one in particular, gushing with happiness to see the little one.

She had fair skin and thin eyelashes. Chubby cheeks with rose tint. Her hair spread out like silky soft grass all over her head.  Little hands and legs that seemed surreal. A cute nose and pouty lips.

"Yeah an adorable girl. "Srivats cooed at her.

I didn't know what my face looked like. Happy? Excited? Relieved? Exhausted? I don't know.
But my heart truly felt all of those at the same time.

Srivats prudently passed the baby in my hands as memories of holding my champs for the first time flooded my mind.

I cradled the little angel in my arms against my chest feeling too overwhelmed. I was nervous.

Nervous about holding her wrong or hurting her with a small moment of mine.  I would never be ready to hold a newborn, even if I practice thousands of time.

"You're doing it right so chill man. " my friend said as I sat down with her in my arms.

"I was scared Srivats " I said honestly now that I'm sure she is safe.

He let me speak as he sat down next to me.

"I was scared of what I would if something happened to any one of them.  I didn't want to choose one among the two again. One time is enough to carve an everlasting scar in my heart."  A tear slid down my cheeks in memory of the misery I went through 7 years ago.

I stared down at the little angel. Her unimaginably little fingers were wrapped around my long finger. Her warmth instantly sending me a wave of happiness.

" I am glad you are here.  Welcome little one. "  my greeting were cut short before the nurse came to us and took the baby to do some check ups.  I was reluctant to give her away but Srivats assured she'd be back soon.

Minutes of silence passed after that as I gulped the tsunami of emotions down my throat.  I sighed tiredly. There were still questions poking my heart as they danced on the brim of my lips,  wanting out.  But I was scared. Scared of hearing what I heard years ago again.

"Divit" Srivats voice broke me out of my trance.  I nodded absentmindedly as I stared at the floor.  The tiles looking more interesting at the moment.

"Aren't you gonna ask about Aadvika? " He said as his hands rested on my shoulders as a gesture of support.

"Yeah the doctor did say she was fine. So what's there to ask? " I got up and ran a hand through my messy curls, clearly averting his questions.

"You are too bad at lies.  Now spill everything you wanna ask and I'll answer you." he nudged me to confess my fears which had a hold on me.

"Fine since you force me too much.  Just say if she's fine. " I sighed really wanting to know how she is.  A part of me is still afraid and unsure of my own actions. But I wanna make sure she is fine. 

"She is unconscious for now and will wake up soon. But the fall she had was quite hard on her back and the delivery was premature so to save the baby, a C-section was performed.
When she wakes up, she would have a terrible back pain that can make even walking hard for her. We will prescribe tablets that could reduce pain but the first few weeks are gonna be tough"

His words amplified my worries. The pain of delivery alone would be painful but adding another pain to it is going to be intolerable.

Now that I calmly think about it,  why did she fall down the stairs?

The Aadvika,  I know would never do something so hasty that would put her child's health in concern. She is a prudent women who puts her child before. 

Then how did she fall?  She is not clumsy enough to stumble. She is well organized from my previous meets with her.

It's not near her expected date so it could not be cramps. 

What if there was an intrusion? Not likely but-

"Divit? " Srivats stood before me, looking worried.

"It's okay Srivats. I'm not thinking about the past. I just had some other thoughts. Inform me when Aadvika is awake.  I'd inform Riya about the baby and be back with some necessities for her.  I'll fresh up and be back soon. "

Now to all my questions,  only Aadvika could answer.

I walked out of the hospital as my lawyer brain racked what could've possibly happened.


OK sorry guys I'm late as usual to update. But how was the chap?

The baby has been born 👶👶👶

What names would you suggest for the baby?  And how do you think Aadvika and the baby's first meet would be?

Do you like the baby's pic?

And I'm really squeezing my brain and literary skills to make these scenes emotional and interesting as possible but I don't know if I'm doing it proper ?

So concerns apart,  I'll try to update the next chap as soon as possible.

And thanks to all those who wished me luck on my exams. I passed thanks to god.

Until next time.

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