Chapter 15

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Aadvika's POV:

A week passed by in a blur. Everyone here was nice and respectable. Even Tej came by the next day and apologized for his rude behavior. Sensing my discomfort in facing Divit after Tej's arrival, the house was ready for me to move in.

Now I'm in my own rented house. That makes me feel proud.  After battling for my basic rights so long, I'm here independent.  It was almost late evening when my smile clung to my face at the sight of someone.

"Aadvi amma! " Two always energetic voice came from the  two ladoos who I missed very much the previous week. 

They both started school and god, it was hard to get a sight of them. They did pop up randomly to greet me and share their school tales but we couldn't have a proper fun day.

"So I think someone here smelt that I've made pakodas (A south Indian snack)" I said as a smile finding its way to my lips at the way their eyes grew in shock.

"Awwwwww pakodas!!! " Chandra quickly came to my side and tugged at my saree." Amma (mom)  I'm the most cute, brilliant and good boy in the world" he said gesturing with his little hands, the world.

Surya just sat there Indian style on the floor, unbothered about Chandra's antics.  He knows I'd give it to him without acting out his cuteness.

Chuckling,  I took the pakodas in two small plates and sat down near them.

They hurriedly took a bite. "Itzz doo kood " (It's so good)  Chandra said with the snacks still inside his mouth.

"Eat slowly" I said as I took my my Saree's corner and wiped his mouth.

He just returned his toothy smile which warmed up my heart.  Surya silently savoured it and I could tell he enjoyed it by the way his eyes squinted as he finished it.  It's his habit from what I've noticed.

They both chattered with me a few more minutes, before they ran off promising me to bring the test sheets back tomorrow to show me what they've scored.

My smile faltered as I saw their backs vanish out the door. I felt a slight pain in my stomach.  But I'm just 8 months long. 

Maybe this is a false cramp ? Not thinking too much,  I made my way to my bed after closing the door.

An hour at bed and the feeling of slight pain shooting at my bottom belly didn't go away. Deciding it's better to go to the doctor , I got up and suddenly felt a feeble sound of vessels crashing.

I sauntered my way towards the kitchen, each step increasing the pain.

"Ahhh" a painful moan left my mouth as I tried walking.

I was about to give up and I heard distinct footsteps nearby. Panic wasn't all too much of a foreign feeling for me from the day my parents died but now it was burning it's flame bright red in my heart.

Trepidating, I quickly ignored the pain and waddled fast towards my room to get my phone and call someone.

"Please please baby, be strong. I won't let anything happen to you.Amma loves you" I muttered ,my voice too feeble to my ears .

As I finally had a hold on my phone,  I heard a chuckle freezing my whole being.

I turned around slowly, my hands protectively around my belly.

The face I saw drained blood from my face and made me pale.

"Long time no see,  Aadvika. I truly missed you from the bottom of my heart " his voice made me tremble in disgust and fear.

"What are y-you doing here? " my voice clearly had strain of stress. His face making me remember things I have buried deep when I came here.

"I said I missed you, darling"  his disgusting smirk stretching as he spoke.

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