i try to tell him we aren't party tricks

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On the way to school, I pass by the burned down Delmar's Deli. Ashes blow across the road, out from under the police tape that barricades the perimeters. In the middle of it all, investigators are at work with the police. Not far from the building stands Ned and Peter, watching the scene.

"Wednesday, activate Good Cop, Bad Cop," I tell my AI.

Good Cop, Bad Cop does a few things—listen to people's heartbeats, that way I know if they're lying; record what I see and hear, that way I can watch the footage later for clues; and lastly, it makes me feel all around cooler.

I approach the two boys and gaze at the destruction over the top of my sunglasses. "Man, it's terrible that this happened. I loved Delmar's," I say, watching Peter's reaction closely.

"Yeah... me too," Peter sighs sadly, not giving any indication that he could be Spider-Man. No heart blip, no physical clues. Nothing.

"Did you guys know it burned down before seeing it today?" I press, hoping to get Peter to crack.

"I saw it on the news," he admits.

We begin walking towards the school together. "You watch the news with Aunt May?"

He shrugs. "Not really. We were getting supper and saw it on TV."

"Oh, yeah? Where at?"

"What is this, Twenty Questions, y/n?" Peter asks with a laugh.

I throw my hands up. "Just making conversation while we walk to school. Since Delmar's is gone, I need a new place to eat, anyway. That's all."

Ned frowns. "I hope they build it back."

"Me too."


In PE class, I sit behind Ned and Peter on the bleachers. MJ sits beside me, completely engrossed in a book and not paying attention to class. A small TV is set up in front of us, playing an old video of Captain America.

I still wonder how on Earth they got Steve to do this video series for schools. He looks completely ridiculous, and if I'm being completely honest, it's totally embarrassing.

"Hi. I'm Captain America. Whether you're in the classroom or on the battlefield..."

Ned leans over and whispers something in Peter's ear. The two have a quiet conversation.

If I wasn't surrounded by classmates right now, I'd eavesdrop in.

"... fitness can be the difference between success or failure. Today, my good friend, your gym teacher..." Captain America points to the side of the TV, only Coach Wilson is standing on the wrong side. Coach waves at us. "...will be conducting the Captain America Fitness Challenge." Captain America salutes and the screen changes to a plain background with a text. Station I: Sit-ups.

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