Stupid Pep Rally

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"I don't want you hanging around that-...that freak!" Heather exclaimed. The conversation between brother and sister didn't start as an argument, but grew into one when Dustin mentioned Eddie Munson.

"He's not a freak! Come on, it's just one campaign I just need you there." Dustin put his hands together, pleadingly looking at his older sister. Heather sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Dustin, I'm going to say it one more time. I do not like Munson. He's a horrible influence. Not only is he a local drug dealer, he's also unable to graduate high school. I will not be going to this campaign and I would love it if you didn't go either. But, you are going to go. So please be careful and have fun with your friends." Heather's voice softened as she looked at her brother. He's grown, but he hasn't changed one bit.

"Heather, I'm telling you! Eddie is not that bad! And I thought you loved watching our campaigns?! You used to draw and paint the scenes for us when we were younger." Dustin argued. Heather did remember that. She was Dustin's ride to and from Mike's house when they had campaign nights. Robin's house wasn't that far so she would drop off Dustin, hang out with Robin, then pick up Dustin.

She also remembered Will asking her for advice and tips whenever she would draw something for them. She missed that kid, he was always so kind. Before they moved Heather made sure to give him some paint and paint brushes to fuel his creativity.

"Dustin if you wanna commission your own sister just say so." Heather batted her eyelashes, which earned a scoff from her brother.

"Please Heather!" Dustin tried a last effort plea to get his sister to join in on the campaign. Heather smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry Dustin. Even if I wanted to, I have plans tonight." Heather shrugged and began to close the door to her bedroom, but not before Dustin stuck his foot in it to prevent it from closing.

"What plans?" Dustin asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking a bit. Heather rolled her eyes. Dustin was a very sweet, accepting kid. He turned out to be especially accepting when he walked in on his sister and Robin Buckley making out when they said they were going to study. From that day forward Dustin teased Heather relentlessly about her "dorky" relationship.

He did have a point, it's like the universe took the most dorky, nerdy, doofus's and made them fall in love. Heather always said that everything cancels out because it makes her feel better about being a total klutz.

"If you must know, I'm going to watch Robin at the pep rally tonight. I'm also going to watch Steve totally fail at a date he has planned." Heather giggled. Dustin sighed and took his foot out of the doorway.

"You're lucky I refuse to come between your undying love." Dustin said seriously, puffing out his chest with a smug look. Heather snorted and shoved him away.

"Okay you goon, onward with your recruiting mission!" Heather enthusiastically saluted her brother as she ran out of the house. 

With Dustin handled. There was another issue at hand. Heather and Robin had been dating since the mind flayer attacked Starcourt. The two were hiding and Heather had random blurted, "Robin, I'm in love with you. Like, romantically. And I know that's like, weird cause you're my best friend AND a girl but you just need to know that in case we die." to which Robin responded, "Wait, what? Me? You're in love with me? Holy shit, Heather. I've been in love with you for years and I never-" And then the Mind Flayer cut them off doing some crazy shit.

And now, even though they've been in a relationship for a while, Heather doesn't know what to wear to this stupid pep rally. She wants to look good, because she's taking Robin on a date afterwards. Not like, formally dressing up but more like a "hey look I kinda dressed up for you" type look. What Heather didn't know, was that while she was assaulting her closet for something to wear, Robin was nervous for the same exact reason, only she was in a car with Steve Harrington.

"Robin, are you even listening to me?!" Steve asked, his hand moving around in the air expressing his distress while the other gripped onto the steering wheel. Robin put her mascara down to look at her friend.

"Yes yes I'm listening-"

"What did I say, what did I just say?"

"Something about sex with- Linda!"

"NO! I'm talking about Heidi!"

"Cut me some slack, please!" Robin exclaimed as Steve sighed in frustration. "Your love life is a labyrinthine complexity! It's 7 in the morning, I have to get ready for this stupid pep rally, and I woke up looking like a total corpse!" Robin tugged on her face in frustration, Steve huffed and shook his head.

"You're worried about a basketball pep rally you expect me to believe that?" Steve said, his eyes switching from Robin to the road periodically.

"Yeah, so?" Robin whined.

"SO we both know what this is about! Okay? I'm not buying that bullshit, this is about Heather-"

"Absolutely not, our relationship is fine-"

"Yes it is! And you know what else I think-"

"I really don't care."

"-I think, you just need to continue to be yourself, Robin. Heather loves you because you're YOU. You're Robin Buckley and dammit you're dating Heather Henderson! Stop trying to be extra and just do what you've been doing, it obviously works!" Steve finished his rant by hitting the steering wheel. Robin groaned and leaned back in the car seat.

"You're literally quoting me to me right now, you do realize that right?" Robin said, closing her portable eyeshadow.

"Well, maybe you need to listen to yourself, you even think about that, smarty pants? I listen to you and look at me, boom! Back in business!"

"It's not the same thing though-"

"Yes it is!"

"No! You go on a date with a girl, no one cares. Heather and I go on a date and people catch on? Bam we're the talk of the town!" Robin exclaimed as she shook her head at Steve.

"I'd buy that but people are not going to think that! You guys, in the public eye, are just some friends that went out to go eat after a pep rally, no biggie!" Steve shrugged as Robin looked down, playing with her hands.

"That's the thing though Steve, what if she realizes I'm not good enough? If Heather went out with some guy, they could hold hands, make out in the car, show each other off. But she's with me! So we keep all that hidden in our bedrooms!" Robin blurt out, frustrated at the situation. She took a moment to spray some mouth freshener into her mouth. It was horrid.

"It's gonna change one day, Robin I swear. Because one day, the world isn't going to care! Why should they care now? I like boobies, you like boobies, Heather likes boobies! Why should it be looked down upon to like boobies?!" Steve exclaimed, trying to bring up the mood.

"Ew. Gross. Don't say boobies!" Robin closed her eyes hoping the car would somehow go faster. She looked at Steve, who was smiling like an idiot.

"It's boobies!"

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