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Heather struggled to find parking at the school, but managed. She had graduated last year, the same year as Steve. But always made sure to come to school events when Robin was playing in band. And she had to take Dustin to school of course.

She threw her 1981 Volkswagen Rabbit into park and scanned the area before getting out. Heather hated wandering aimlessly looking for her friends, it was a very humbling experience.

"See ya dude! I'll come pick you up after school!" Heather said as Dustin grabbed his stuff.

"No! I have Hellfire tonight remember?Just pick me up after your date." Dustin reasoned. Oh yes, Heather forgot about their campaign.

"All right, be safe! No walking home! No biking home!" Heather said sternly. Dustin just smiled and shut the car door before making his way towards the school. Towards the front of the school, she could see Steve's car pulling up. So she began walking.

"Hey!" Heather called out and waved Robin down. Steve had driven off, probably to go meet up with that girl he was talking about. Heather didn't bother to remember their names anymore. Robin turned and her smile widened. Every time Robin smiled, Heather's heart swelled. She was so beautiful, how could she not be in awe of such a creature?

"Heather!" Robin giddily walked over and hugged her girlfriend. Robin pulled away, much too Heather's dismay, and raised an eyebrow. "Did you come to watch me play trumpet?" Robin asked. She was trying to sound flirty but totally failed. It got Heather though, because she could feel the butterfly's.

"No, I came here to watch the cheerleaders!" Heather enthusiastically smiled and nodded, watching Robin's smile fade and a frown take its place. Her arms crossed and Robin huffed. "Oh my god I'm kidding! They're so boring compared to you anyways. Sometimes, when I very much enjoy watching your band performances, I just can't help but want to BE the trumpet, y'know?" Heather smiled, giggling at her own antics.

It worked, because Robin's smile returned and she laughed as well. The two began to walk towards the auditorium, Robin had to split off because of prep for band. So Heather decided to try and find Steve in the crowd. She didn't really care about being a third wheel at this point. And it didn't take long to spot his hair in the crowd, accompanied by a blonde woman.

Heather sat herself next to Steve, who hadn't noticed her presence yet. Heather leaned closer to whisper, so the lucky lady couldn't hear.

"Didn't know you were into blondes, Robins rubbing off on you." Heather whispered. She stifled a laugh, thinking that her blonde joke was very funny, because she herself was a blonde. A very prominent blonde. Steve whipped his head around and smiled.

"Hey! I knew you'd be here I just didn't know if you wanted to be seen with me." Steve said, grinning at his friend. The girl he was with caught on, and sent Heather a glare that could kill. If only she knew.

"Who's this?" She asked, venom in her voice. Steve didn't detect it. Moron.

"Oh! Heidi this is Heather, Heather this is Heidi. Heather is like my long lost sister, she's awesome you'll like her." Steve was pretty excited to introduce Heather, Heidi was not. She just smiled and looked back at the cheer team prepping for the rally.

"Damn okay." Heather mumbled under her breath. Heather watched as the band made their way onto their set of bleachers. Heather leaned up and forwards to look in the sea of green for Robin. Her search was interrupted by Steve.

"You know you don't have to be looking at Robin every minute of everyday right?" Steve teased. He earned himself an elbow in his side and grunted.

"Well what if I do? Doofus." Heather shook her head and watched as Steve tried his best to converse with Heidi. When she turned her head back to the band, she saw Robin facing her and waving her hand frantically trying to get Heather's attention.

Heather's smile grew as she waved back, then making a heart with her hands. Robin smiled warmly and mouthed, "Awe shucks" before she turned away to get her trumpet situated.

The gymnasium grew loud as the crowd cheered and the band played music. Heather tried hard to focus but wasn't able to. Instead, she was focused on her date with Robin later. Heather had it all planned out.

After this rally, Heather would go home. She's going to do her hair and makeup, which will probably burn about 3 hours. She refuses to get a perm. The smell is awful. So instead, Heather takes about 2 hours to make her hair into the voluminous, blonde mane it is on special occasions. She still needed an outfit, but she'll figure it out as she goes.

Robin picked where she wanted to go. There was a burger drive-in right outside of Hawkins she liked. So Heather is going to drive the two of them there, eat some food, then go to Heather's house to watch a movie or two. Robin also planned on spending the night there.

There was a point in Heather's life where she believed she would never be able to have a relationship. She felt disgusting, different, like an outsider. But Robin had changed that for her. Robin is scared of the public eye just as much, if not more than Heather, but they both have so much love to give.

Heather remembers when they met, Heather was a sophomore and Robin was a Freshman. Her and Robin were friends through band. Heather wasn't a band kid, but she always volunteered to help make props and paint them. Being an art kid wasn't all that great either, you were still an outcast at Hawkins High. They became friends after working on some props together, and Heather invited Robin to the art room.

Robin's heart nearly exploded when Heather rambled about her paintings and how she wanted to travel the world to paint the scenery she saw. Robin remembered thinking that she was the person that she wanted so desperately to take with her to Europe one day. But when she saw Heather in the hallway with her boyfriend, she had given up hope, and tried to hide her attraction by crushing on Tammy Thompson instead.

Heather struggled very much with her sexuality. So much that she buried it deep within herself and decided to date the first guy to ask her out. He wasn't that nice. Heather doesn't even remember his last name, just his first name, Mark. They dated for about 3 months before Heather even let him kiss her, using the excuse that she was a very religious christian woman. She is not.

The only thing Heather had retained from that kiss, was how disgusting it was. From his chapped lips to the fact that he shoved his tongue in her throat. Heather had shoved him away and got out of his car, walking home. She dumped him the next morning, which resulted in him telling the whole school they had hooked up the night before. No one had been there for her after that, except for Robin.

Robin had always been there during her hardest times, no matter what. And Heather couldn't have been happier to have volunteered for that band project her Sophmore year.

Heather finally came out of her own thoughts when Steve shook her shoulder, telling her to move so she could exit the bleachers. Heather muttered a "Yeah right, my bad," and got up to walk out of the gym. Not before saying bye to Robin first of course.

"Heather!" Robin called out as she walked over to the bottom of the bleachers to say goodbye. "I'll see you after school?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am! I'll be here!" Heather smiled and waved as Robin took off towards the rest of the band. Now she just had to go home and get ready. Yikes.

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