Art of Scoops

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(This is a flashback, this takes place 9 months ago from the current time)

"I'm gonna miss you, doofus." Heather was hugging her little brother to the point of suffocation while he got ready to get on the bus to his summer camp.

"Heather-! Choking m-" Dustin tapped her on the shoulder before she let go, giggling. "Oh thank god, I thought that was the end." Dustin sighed in relief.

"Be safe okay? I'll see you in a month." Heather said, smiling warmly. Dustin had already said his goodbyes to their mom at home before Heather drove him to the drop-off area. But before Dustin could get on the bus, they saw Steve running towards them. "Oh god..." Heather muttered.

"Henderson!" Steve shouted, "Wait up!" He made his way towards the Henderson siblings.

"Alright I'll let you two say goodbye. I'll miss you!" Heather gave Dustin another hug before walking off.

"I'll miss you too, sis! Love you!" Dustin said, waving. Heather smiled and waved as she got to her car. "Steve!" Dustin exclaimed as Steve approached and gave Dustin their super secret handshake.

"I can't believe you're leaving, man!" Steve put his hands on his hips and shook his head. Dustin laughed. "Maybe this is my chance." Steve looked off in the distance and smiled.

"For what, exactly?" Dustin asked, eyebrows raised. Steve smirked and nodded his head towards Heather's car, that was now pulling out of the parking lot.

"What do yo- Oh hell no Harrington! I will not have you date my sister, yuck!" Dustin gagged and pretended to throw up.

"It's not my fault your sister snatched all of the attractive genes in your family man! And think about it, if we got married, I would be your brother in law." Steve smiled and waited for Dustin to get excited and agree, but instead he was met with a straight face.

"No. That's weird! She's my sister dude-"

"You're HOT sister, Dustin. Come on now. You're gonna come back and we're gonna be all like-" Steve turned away from Dustin and wrapped his arms around himself, making it look like he was making out with someone.

"Ew! Dude! Gross, I'm out of here. And don't even think about it! Get those nasty thoughts about Heather out of that empty head of yours!" Dustin shook his head and started walking towards the bus.

"My heads not empty! It's full of Heather Henderson!" Steve shouted back, laughing. "See ya later kid! Have fun at summer camp!" Steve waved, impressed that Dustin waved back after his antics.

About two weeks later, Steve had managed to land a job at the new mall. The only reason Heather knew this is because Robin told her all about him and the embarrassment that came with him working there.

"So he blames it on the hat?" Heather asked, intrigued by the fact that Steve "The Hair" Harrington has lost his touch with the ladies.

"Yup. Always the hat. Or the outfit. Or the ice cream." Robin shrugged, "You should come by, I'll give you a free scoop of your favorite 'cause I love you." Robin winked at her friend. Heather couldn't help but feel her stomach do a flip and her heart rate raise. She knew Robin didn't mean it like that, but it still felt like torture hearing it in the wrong context.

"For me? Oh golly oh gosh you shan't!" Heather dramatically put her hand on her forehead and leaned back. Robin laughed.

"Man I wish I had your job. It seems so cool." Robin flopped back on Heathers bed, staring at her painted ceiling. She had painted if earlier that year to look like space. Heather followed and plopped down next to her friend.

"Yeah is does seem cool. It's a lot though. I'm glad my mom supports it, but I get a lot of backlash. People almost treat me like a high-school drop out for it." Heather sighed. Robin got up and propped her head on her hand, to look at Heather.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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