Chapter 1 Last week of summer:

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Deer diary, I am an ordinary life with a beloved father. My 12 year old self always love how I look. My long dark brown hair almost black, my emerald eyes, my freckals and my pink lips. I love playing chess, painting, reading, making potions and wrighting. Coffee, rain, looking at the skys are some stuff that I also love. I am the youngest and only daughter of my parents. I am most likely to be too lazy to do something. Or I could be very flirty and akward with my crush.

We were in summer one week before school started. In London, it was a rainy day as always. My mom and brother haven't come to see us since I was 10. My mom is always busy running away because she is the sister of Voldemort. She dragged my brother with her everywhere she went. My dad is the only one who is always there for me. He is teaching potions, my favorite subject, at Hogwarts. My house was on a mountain close to The Malfoy Manor.

One afternoon, me and my dad were playing Chess, my favorite game.

"Checkmate" I said with a smirk on my face. "You should get your game higher."

My dad laughs "Well maybe I should"

"Dad." I said with a serious face.

"Yes Hunny?"

"I really want to go to Hogwarts! Why can't I go?"

He looked surprised and responded. "Oh, um, I didn't want you to go there last year because Potter was coming and it was too much drama." he stopped and looked at me "But if you really want to, you can go there is a place that became free."

I was super happy and we continued to play until it was time for my dad to make dinner.


The next morning my dad took me to the daggin alley for my supply. I saw a group of kids looking back at me. There were two girls and two boys. One of the girls had light skin, black hair and brown eyes and the other girl also had light skin, blond hair with blue eyes. One of the boys was the one who lived with Draco he had tan skin, brown hair and green eyes.  His name was Theo and the last boy had dark skin, black hair and brown eyes. The little group came towards us

"Hello professor!" said one of the girls and the other one continued "We were wondering, not to be noisy but, is she your daughter?"

My dad responded "Yes she is."

They looked at each other and back at me with curiosity. I looked away and I saw that Theo was smirking at me. I rolled my eyes because I knew he would make fun every time I messed something up.

My dad took my list of school supplies in his pocket and said "We have some supplies to buy if you don't mind, we have to keep going."

They nodded and looked at us walking away. We had to go to Lockhart's book shop for almost all that I needed. When we arrived I saw Potter on the scene. He was getting all the attention. I rolled my eyes and looked away while my dad payed with all of the book. I saw from the corner of my eye Draco my childhood best friend he was going down the stairs. I walked to him but hid in a corner and decided to listen to what he was going to say to Potter that had arrived before me.

"Hey Potter, can't walk into a bookstore without making the front cover of the newspaper." Draco said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up!" Said a little girl with ginger hair.  That I assumed was a Weasley.

Draco looked at her with a smirk and looked back at the boy "Oh look Potter you got yourself a girlfriend."

I tried not to laugh at the way the girl went all red but I failed. At the same time Lucius arrived and pushed his son out of the way.

Draco bumped into me and almost fell. "Watch out!" He looked at me and realized who I was. "Hey, it's so nice to see you!" He said "Are you coming to the manor this week before you go to Durmstrang?"

"Hey, yeah I am but this year I'm going to Hogwarts."

He looked surprised and smirked. We turn around and watched a ginger man and Draco's dad fight. They got expelled soon after.

We went to the broom shop after. Lucius bought Nimbus 2001 for all the Slytherin team and one for me. He wanted to put Draco on the team because he was always wanted a spot. Our parents finished taking all of our stuff and we went home. Draco and I went up stairs in my dark room to get ready to go to my annual sleepover with Draco and Theo. My room was decorated with old wallpaper, my green bed, my desk, a lot of disks and a phonograph.

I was packing my bag and suitcase for school.

"Why wasn't Theo with you guys?" I questioned him.

"Oh um he was at a sleepover with Blaise so they went to the Daiggun alley together." He answered.

"Who's Blaise?"

"You'll meet him on the train."

I nodded while closing my bag. We went downstairs. Our parents were drinking tea and chatting about a bunch of thing. We waited patiently while listening to them.

We left 15 minutes later and I gave my dad a thight hug.

"See you at school!" I screamed, vanishing in the flame from the fireplace. We were going by flou.


I stayed there until school started. It was dark, cold and old. At first you can feel unwelcome and intimidated by it but you get used to it after a few visits.  I had almost lived there all my life. The Malfoy were my second family. My two cousins that live here usually were on vacation with my mom and brother for more than a year now. Draco and Theo shared a big room. There was a room between their two bedrooms and their bathrooms. I always stayed in that room on the sofa.


Many days later, summer break was over and it was time to get to the train station. Lucius took us there in the car that the ministry of magic gave them. When we were there they went straight to platform 9. My dad told me that to go to the train you have to go to the third wall out of four and run through it.

I whisper to Narcissa, "How do we do this? I've never done it before?" I had a nervous face.

She responded with a soft smile and answered calmly, "Oh umm I'll go with you so you can learn." she was like a mother to me because my real mom wasn't really there for me like her.

I nodded. We ran through the wall, behind Draco and Theo, who were already on the other side.

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