Chapter 9 Summer break:

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Summer break started a few days ago. Me, Pansy, Emma and Luna had a blast at my house. I had invited them to a sleepover for 3 days back to back. The first day we stayed at home due to the awful thurnderstorm. Our activities were super fun. We all had similar interests. When we woke up, around 11 am, we ate breakfast. Afterward, we baked cookies and brownies. At 2 pm, we ate lunch. After that we had a chess competition and Luna won. We finished the tournament at 6 pm. To continue our fun day, we read books. Finally, at 8 pm, we ate dinner with my dad. My dad had cooked my favorite french dishes: Potatoes Dauphinoise. I always loved French culture. My passion for it started when I was 5 years old. I always ask mom and dad to go there but they never agreed.

"Is that Potatoes Dauphinoise?" Emma asked happily.

"Yes it is. It's Pearl's favorite meal." My dad said pretty proud.

"At home we eat it so often. My whole family on my mom's side is french." Emma said

We smiled and continued to eat while chatting about a bunch of stuff. After dinner me and the girls went to the hangout room. We talked, laughed, played pool and danced all night long. It was 1 am when my dad told us to go to bed. The second day, we decided to go see Draco and Theo. We woke up at 10 am to get ready. The evening before, I had owled the boys telling them that we were coming over. I read the leter they send back. Of course they agreed. We went to their house by floo. They welcomed us at the foot of the cheminy. Soon after, we went down to the basement. They had a huge pool in their basement. I had told the girls about it. We swang in it. It was pretty fun. At 4:30 pm, we were cold so we decided to play truth or dare.

"Truth or dare Pearl." Pansy said with a smirk.

"Dare of course." I said with a challenging look.

"Okay." She had an evil grin growing on her face. "I dare you to..." She looked around and turned back to me. "...To kiss the prettiest person in the room." She continued grinning.

I blushed. I didn't know who to kiss everyone one was super pretty. I decided to go kiss Luna after a few moments of thinking. I walked over to her and kissed on the cheek her.


The third and last day, my mom, Enzo and my two cousins showed up unexpectedly. We were all in the living room when they walk in.

"Who's that hottie?" Emma whispered in my ear.

"That's my cousin Mattheo." I replied.

Mattheo was tall with a charming look. He had charming brown, almost black, eyes that matched his beautiful dark brown hair. He was pretty tall, around 6 foot. He had a scar on his nose that made him look badass. Enzo told me that he got into fights quite often. Mattheo looked at the girls then looked back at me smirking.

"Wow." Emma whistled.

"Who are the two other ones with your mother I presume?" Pansy asked.

"That's Enzo, my older brother, with my other cousin Tom" I replied.

Enzo and Tom had lovely brown almost black hair. They pretty much look alike but Enzo had dark green eyes and Tom had brown ones. They both were a little taller than Mattheo. They were in the same year and they were 2 years older than me. They looked like my mom and uncle. Unlike Mattheo they didn't look at the girls.

"How was the trip guys?" I asked a few moments later.

"Good I guess." Tom said going up the stairs to Enzo's room.

"Yeah like he said." Enzo followed him.

"Great so what do we do cuz." Mattheo said, giving me a little knuge on my shoulder.

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