Chapter 7 Christmas break:

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The 23nd, I woke up early to pack my bag. It was 8:22, an hour later, I walked to the great hall to get breakfast. I bid goodbye to my friends and I  went to my dad's class. I knocked on his door and waited patiently for him to open the door. When he open the door, he looked bothered.

"Hi dad! What's wrong?" I said.

"Oh I learned that your mother is coming home with your brother and cousins." He said.

"That's awesome but why is it bad?"

"Victor is coming too with Karkadoff and your mother is probably gonna send you back to Durmstrang."

"Oh that is bad." I look down.

We walk silently to the fireplace and went home by floo. I walk up the stairs to go to my room. I went and took a shower before reading and writing in my notebook. For lunch, I made me and dad a salad and gave it to him while he was working in his study. After lunch, I headed to my art studio to paint. A few hours later dad called me for dinner. 

"Are you exited to see Enzo and your cousins?" My dad ask me while taking a bit of noodle.

"Yeah! I can't wait to explain all of my beginning of year to them and hug them all."

He smiled and we continued eating while chatting. After an hour, we were done eating and I continued painting.


 It was past 10 pm when I went to my room and got ready for bed. I did my skin care routine and took my mascara and blush off of my face. I put my pajamas on and went down stairs. 

"Good night dad. I'll read and after I'm going to bed." I said giving him an hug.

"Okay. Sleep well sweety. I love you." He answered and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"I love you too." I replied.

I walk away. In my room, I took my favorite book and begin to read. 


The next morning, I woke up at 11 am. I went into the shower and put on a skirt and a black shirt. I put my favorite rings and necklace on I also did my makeup. After doing all of it I walk down stairs to eat brunch with my dad.

"They are arriving around 4:30. Please don't make them wait." My dad said, taking a bit of waffle.

"I won't dad. Don't worry." I said back drinking a glass of orange juice.

After the brunch, I decided to continued to read my book. After a while, I got bored and went down stairs to paint. Around 4:30, I was called to the living room. I clean my hand and walked in. I saw Victor with my ex-director sitting in a sofa.

"Hello Deer, I missed you so much." Victor said, walking towards me.

"I missed you too." I said.

We kissed each other on the cheek and we sat next to each other. They talk to each other about Politics. I sat silently and awkwardly until the doorbell rings. I walk to the door and open it. My cousins and my brother were behind my mother.

"Hi mom! Hey guys!" I said with a smile.

"Deer, is Victor and his director here?" She said looking behind me.

"Yes they are in the living room with dad."

My mom went past me, not even giving me a hug or a kiss. On the other hand Enzo and Mattheo gave me a big hug and Tom messed my hair up. We all went to our favorite room. The hang out room. The room was decorated with sofas, coffee table, a piano and other stuff. The wallpaper was dark green.

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