Chapter 3 The first day:

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The next morning, I woke up extra early to get ready for school. It was at least 7:45 am and class only started at 9:30 am. None of the girls were awake so I was extra careful to not wake them up. I went into the bathroom and I put on my green and black robe, with a skirt, my tie and a white shirt. I put in my bag the book of transfiguration, the one of potion, herbology and charms, my  wand, my feather, some ink and my black text book. I sneaked out of the dorm and I walked down the stairs. I saw Adrian writing in a note book so I walked up to him.

"Hey what are you doing awake at this time?" I questioned him.

He turned to face me "Couldn't sleep, you?" He answered.

"I was really excited for my first day." I simply said.

"Do you wanna get breakfast? I'm starving?"


We walked out of the brick wall and went up to the great hall. We sat down at our table across from each other. It was almost empty; some students of every year were at their respected table.

We ate breakfast while making jokes and talking about ourselves. I learned that he was in his third year and was one of the chasers in the team. It was now 8:30 and the great hall was almost full. I catch the look of Peter he winked at me before sitting down with some students.

"Hey!" Emma said "How are you?"

"I'm good you?"


Pansy arrived short after "Why weren't you in bed this morning? I got super worried ." 

"Oh I just wanted to get ready because I want to see my dad before school starts."

"Oh, okay." She said.

"What's up man!" Marcus said, giving Adrian a gentle push and sitting next to him.

He looked at me and him back and forth before smirking at both of us. I rolled my eyes and Adrian acted like nothing had appended.

Soon after Draco, Theo and Blaise arrived and sat next to us. They took a toast out of our plate and ate it while Pansy and Emma glared at them.

"I'm gonna go see my dad before class starts" I said while giving a hug behind Draco's back.

"Where's my hug?" Theo said with a smirk.

"Okay, here one." I gave him one "See you guys later." I said walking away.

I walked out and bumped into someone and fell to the ground.

"Watch where you are going man!" I yelled at him.

"I'm so sorry here." He put his hand in front of him. to help me get up.

I accepted his hand and stood up. To my shock it was Potter. My dad told me how pathetic and annoying he was. I also despised him because his dad bullied mine.

"Oh and before I forget I wanted to introduce myself." He said.

"I know who you are, Potter." I said with a cold look. "If you don't mind I have better things to do than standing here with a pathetic dude."

I walked out before he could say a word.


Two minutes later I was already at the potion class. The door was opened and I saw my dad that was getting ready for his class. He was writing on the board the steps to complete the potion. I knocked on the door and I walked in.

"Morning!" I said happily.

My dad turned to me "Good morning to you too." He smiled before continuing. "I'm really happy that you followed the family step. How do you like it so far?"

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