Chapter 5 Halloween:

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"Wake up, sleepy head!" Theo said while throwing pillows at me.

"Leave me alone Nott." I said putting one of the pillow on top of my head.

"It's Halloween, come on!" He screamed louder.

"Fine! I gave up, now get out I'll get ready." I said, stepping out of my bed.

He smiled and went out. A few minutes later I was done and went downstairs to eat breakfast with Theo.

"Morning!" Emma said "Girl you look tired."

"Yeah Theo woke me up" I glanced at him.

Marcus and Adrian didn't go to Hogmeads to stay with us. They had told us they would go an other time.

We ate and we went to the pitch. On my team there was Adrian, Blaise and Pansy. Draco, Theo, Emma and Marcus were on the other team. We played but without the bugger. We won 1h after.

"Damn you're good" Marcus  said getting near me. "Did you ever thought of joining the team?"

"No, not really." I answered.

"You should. There's a spot."

"I'll think about it!"

We went down and headed to the castle. We saw Luna and Pansy whisper something in her ear. We ran to our secret spot leaving the boys alone. 15 minutes later, we arrived at the Astronomy tower.

"Why weren't you in the great hall earlier?" Emma said.

"Oh I wanted to go for a walk in the forbidden forest." She said calmly.

We talked about how badly we wanted to go to Hogsmead. We went down stairs for lunch and the boy looked mad.

"What are you mad for?" Pansy said.

The boy completely ignored her and continued to eat.

"Hey answer her!" Emma said, getting mad.

"Why did you leave us?" Adrian said.

"We were at our secret place." Luna said too calmly for the situation.

We ate after, the boys told us to never keep a secret from them. We all roll our eyes except for Luna. We decided to go to the pitch to play Quidich. Some people were already there from other houses. We asked if we could play and they agreed. The team were Slytherin and Ravenclaw against Griffondors and Hufflepuff. I tried to score but Wood blocked me. He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.


After 3 games we decided to stop and all go to the great hall.

"You're really good!" Wood told me while taking a seat in front of me. "Did you try out for the team?"

"No I did not." I replied.

"I hope you are going to join the team next year. Your better than some players on our team. Beside we would totaly win against Griffondors." Marcus said besides Wood.

We continued talking until Wood decided to get up and leave.

"Oh and Pearl, if you want, come to our table. You're really cool!" He said turning around.

"I will!" I smiled. When he left I turned to Adrian who looked mad. "What's that face all about?"

"You're making friends with the enemy!" He said.

"Pff he's just being nice!" I waved it off and went to the Ravenclaw common room with Luna to study and play chess.


After 2 rounds of chess I saw Peter.

"Hey long time no see!" I said to Peter.

In the first week of October, we had started to talk again and put everything behind.

"Hey! Can I join to study with you guys?"

"Of course Peter." Luna said with a smile.

We studied happily and went to the great hall for the Halloween feast. I said bye to them and we went to our table. Dumbledore talked but I didn't pay attention. He's the most boring person in this school. He always has that annoying tingling in his eye.

"Let the feast begin!" He said at the same time that the food appeared on the table.

We ate and talked about a bunch of stuff. After the dinner there was going to be a big party in our common room. We were all really thrilled.


About 2 hours later we were all done so we ran to our common room for the big Halloween party. When we arrived there were green and silver decorations, a disco ball, a dance floor, food and of course a curved pumpkin. We ran to our room. While getting ready, we put music really loud and we danced while putting our party matching outfit on. I shared with them a bunch of my rings, necklaces and earrings. We helped each other with the makeup. I wore a black mini dress, Emma put a black mini skirt with a green skinny shirt and Pansy wore a green mini dress. It was a blast. Me and the girls stayed on the dance floor all night. Adrian danced with me on five of the many songs. The boys were at the table talking about Quidditch. The girls and I were the Queens of the dance floor. We kept dancing and drinking punch. Until a hot guy went behind me and put his cold hand on my waist. My stomack made a flip.

"Hey darling." The tall boy with tan skin, blond hair and blue eyes whispered in my ears. "Wanna come to my dorm tomorrow to have fun? We are having a party."

"I don't think she's gonna go Benard." Adrian said next to us.

"It's okay Adrian." I said

"Yeah you heard her! Let the pretty people talk, Pucey." The tall boy said.

"Henri is bad, Pearl, come on." Adrian insisted.

"You can't decide for me. Go away." I said I was kinda annoyed by his reaction.

"So are you gonna come Gorgeous?" Henri said.

"I'll think about it." He winked and let go of me to go with his friends.

I sat on a sofa with Blaise that looked tired. I walk with him to his dorm. It was almost 2 in the morning when I arrived in mine. The girls were already sleeping. I put my pj on and went to sleep. I was super excited to have a party with the hottest guy in school.


The next morning, I woke up a little late and decided to go directly to Potion.

"Hi dad!" I said with a smile.

"How did you sleep?" He replied.

"Yeah, I did. You look not ok, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. There has been an attack yesterday after the Halloween feast."

"Who was attack?" I ask curious

"The cat of the old men."


I went and took a seat beside Emma and Blaise as we're getting ready for class.

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