Chapter 8 The Chamber of Secrets:

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The next morning class started and I followed the girls to every one of their classes. It was really boring because I couldn't talk to them. Dad was cold to everyone. I guessed that because I was petrified it didn't help him with work. I decided after all my class to follow dad around. He was walking really fast so I lost him. I went to the girls bathroom that was none occupied to be alone, but to my shock the golden trio was here talking about something. I walk closer to them to know what they were saying.

"Professor Snape really looks down these days." Weasley said.

"Didn't you realize that his daughter got petrified Ronald." Granger said back.

"I feel kinda bad for her." Potter said.

I walk away to the sinks. I look at my reflection in the mirror and then I realize something. On the handle of one of the sinks was a snake. I touched it and all the sinks moved to make a passageway. I looked down. It was a long dark slide. I thought to myself:

"I have nothing better to do. Fuck it."

I jumped in. At the end, were long corridors with many other corridors. It was the sewer. At the end of each corridor was nothing but only one had a mural with more snakes. I could read in Parseltongue, the snake language. It said:

The Chamber of Secrets!

Salazar Slytherin

I read outlood and the snake moved to make a hole. I went in and there was a bunch of statuette. I decided to walk farther and I saw a big statue of Salazar's Slytherin himself. I took my wand out of my pocket.

"Lumos." I said. A light came from my wand and I looked around.

I realize that the mouth of Salazar could open due to the little rocks on the floor beside it. I tried my name in Parseltongue. To my surprise it opened. Inside of the mouth was huge. There was my favorite animal, the great basilisk. Behind were a big double door. I opened them and walk in. To my shock there was my cousin, Tom, inside reading a book on a sofa in front of a fire place. I walked up to him. He was doing homework and essays. He had multiple big librarys. I looked at the names of some books and many were about petrification, dark magic, Salazar Slytherin and many other cool subjects. I sat down next to him with a book that I took.


When I finally walked out of my new favorite place it was 28 of January. I walk to the common room. I was surprised to see Adrian on the couch sketching in his black text book. He was supposed to be in his third class. I sat next to him and looked over his shoulder. He was doing some doodles next to a girl that was laying down in a pool of blood. He had that dark side that I never knew of. I waited patiently for him to be over with the book. He finally put it back in his bag when my friend group came in. I took it and went through the pages. It had many drawings. They were all really dark. I put it back and listen to the usual end of class conversation. They walk out soon after to eat dinner. I decided to go back to the Chamber of Secrets and stay there for a few month.


During the whole time I was down there, I made sure to learn many new things. I even finished to learn how to be an animagus in 3 month. I was so proud of myself then I decided to go follow my dad around. Since the last time I went out of the Chamber. Many attacks had happened. Like Granger, some kid and a 7 year girl. I also missed many parties like the Valentine's day one, the Spring break one and many other one. I walked around to find my dad but I didn't find him anywhere. I went to his quarter and sat on his couch in his personal room. I looked around and saw many photos of me and him or with my mother and my brother. Sometimes Mattheo and Tom were in them. I was surprised, in a good way, to see the number of paintings that I did hanging there. I always thought he put them in the garbage. I took one of his book and started to read.

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