Chapter 4 The letters:

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The next morning Emma and Pansy woke me up because I was going to be late. They gave me a toast and I got ready quickly. They left and I decided to skip my flying lessons because I was 30 minutes late and I didn't want to go. I went to the library and did some essays. Afterwards, I went to my class with professor Bins. Me and Blaise sat next to each other. The class was so boring. The teacher kept talking about some Rubbish things and Bins won't even Interact with us. I was in my head then I suddenly received a letter from Blaise.

He wrote in his messy handwriting:

Hey, do you know why Peter looks so sad? Luna told me that he won't talk to anyone.

I wrote back:

No I don't but I know that he was acting weird since the party.

Do you know why tho?

I think it's because of how close Adrian and I were. I think he has a little crush on me.

He looked at me and mouthed "Sorry."

We continued our boring class and we both fell asleep. When class was over we went to the great hall and sat down infront of Draco and Theo. We started lunch and I received 2 letters.

The first letter was from my mom and brothers, Enzo:

Hello Dear,

We got a letter from Victor. I think you guys got together last year. He is really worried. Why did you change schools? It's the best I went there. Also for Christmas we are maybe coming home so please make sure to write to Victor. Don't forget his family is really powerful and wealthy. I almost forgot you are going back to Durmstrang. I won't allow you to stay at this school. There's a lot of Mudblood.

The other paragraph was from my older brother:

Hey sis,

Like mom I heard you were in Hogwarts. How it is there I never went there. Tom told me it's amazing. We can't wait to see you lil sis.

Love Enzo and mom.

On the other hand the other letter was from Victor:

Hey deer,

I miss you so much why didn't you told me you change school I could had come with you. Oh and also I wrote to your mom she's kinda mad that you changed schools so she told me that you're coming back soon. I can't wait to see you. Don't you miss our good times and being together every day. I didn't tell you that every day but I love you.

Love Victor Krum xx

I was so mad that he decided to tell my mom that. Blaise peeked at my shoulder while eating a sandwich.

"Look like you're in trouble, Deer!" He said while smirking.

"Oh shut up, we both know that my mom is not going to force me to go back to Durmstrang." I said waving it.

"Are you sure?" Theo said, smirking. Me and Blaise took our look off the letters to look at him.

"You know your mother so bad! It's sure that she is going to force you." Draco said beside Theo.

Theo agreed with a face that said "You see.". 

"But I don't want to go away, it's amazing here!" I screamed and some students turned their heads took look at us. I glared at them and they stopped staring.

I ate my sandwich mad about the situation. Emma and Pansy were looking and laughing at us. I glared but they continued laughing.

We went to Gregory's class. I sat next to a Griffondor girl who had curly brown hair because no other seat were free.

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