Chapter 6 A chill week:

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I was so excited for Henri's party that I couldn't focus in class.

"Miss Snape, are you listening to me?" My charm teacher said,

"No sorry. I'll listen now." I replied.

"Next time I catch you daydreaming I'll take some points away from your house."

I nodded and tried to focus on the lesson.

The class finished soon after. We went all to the great hall for lunch. Luna and Peter this time decided to sit with us at lunch. I put 4 sandwiches and a lot of salad on my plate.

"What?" I said when I realized that they were looking at me "I'm hungry that's all. Stop looking at me." I said with arrogance.

They laughed and I guessed I was giving them a Theo vibe. We continued eating and talking about how fun the party was. After me, Luna and Peter went outside for our herbology class. Luna took a seat beside Blaise and me and Peter took a seat in front of them. I talked to the three of them about Henri's party.

"Would you stop talking about that? You keep talking about it since this morning." Peter said, quite annoyed.

"Sorry I'm just very excited. I don't know what to wear. So could one of you guys help me find an outfit for tonight? I don't know what to wear."

"Me and Peter wanted to play chess." Luna said she turned to Blaise to look at him and said "Maybe Blaise could help you." She smiled at him.

I saw Blaise blushed a little and decided to talk to him about it later when it was only him and I.

Class ended and we went in for our final class. Professor Minerva shifted into a cat. We all clapped when she shifted back.


We walked the four of us to the great hall and Blaise sat with our two favorite Ravenclaw. After dinner, we went our separate ways. Me and Blaise were finally alone.

"I saw you blushed when Luna smiled at you." I smirked.

"No I didn't." He said, trying to hide his face.

"We both know you did." I looked away.

"Okay then don't tell anyone." He finally said.

"I wasn't planning on telling anyone." I smirked.

We arrived at the brick wall.

"Mint." Blaise said.

We walked in and went up to my room. The girls were down stairs studying for a big exam on Monday. Blaise helped me find an outfit. We finally choose: a black jean, black shirt, some necklaces and a beige jacket.

"You look so pretty." Blaise said.

He walked out with me and guided me to Henri's dorm. I bid bye to Blaise. He smiled and went in his own. When he was gone, I knocked and Henri opened the door.

"Hey pretty girl!" Benard said.

"Hi!" I replied.

Before he could tell me to come in a girl arrived holding a empty bottle of butterbeer.

"Hey guys we are playing spin the bottle and want to join." The girl said.

"Sure why not." I said. I smiled at him. We formed a circle and I sat beside the girl and Henri.

"Daphne you go first." Henri said, looking at the girl.

After a few rounds it was finally my turn. I turn it and it lands on a super cute boy.

"Dam Ulmer, you're lucky!" Said one of the boys.

"That one of the cutest and most popular boys named Edmund Ulmer." Daphne whispers in my ear.

He leaned forward and we kissed. The games continued for a while and after everyone went their separate way. When I went out of the toilet, I saw Henri kissing some blonde girl. I was shocked and a little sad. I left the party without saying a word. I went to the boys room. They comforted me for almost an hour. I finally fell asleep in their room after 3 hours of talking and crying.


The next morning I was in Draco's bed and he was sleeping on the ground beside me on a mattress. I smiled. Blaise and Theo were already up. They were in a towel with wet hair. 

"Morning Snape!" Blaise said quite happily "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. What about you guys?" I said smiling.

"Good!" They said almost at the same time.

"Excited for the match this afternoon?" I asked them.

They all nodded.

"Wait here we will get change and afterward we can go with you to the Hall for breakfast." Theo said.

"But my robe is in my dorm." I said.

"Here take these but they will probably be too big." Theo said.

I took them and put them on while the boys turned around. They smelled like Theo. We went downstairs to eat breakfast. I realized that some students were whispering to each other and were looking toward me. I looked at my self and realise that it was obvious the robe wasn't mine. I acted like nothing appened.


Me and Marcus were walking together to the Slytherin changing room. Everyone was already in their robes.

"Okay everyone! For this match we need to win!" Marcus said he looked very confident.

I looked at everyone before heading to the bench next to the pitch. The back up team was already sitting there. A few seconds later the team took off on their broomstick. The game started soon after.


During the match I was hungry so I went to the changing room. I took a muffin and some pumpkin juice. I ate and drank it and went back to my seat. I arrived and Potter was trying to get back on his broom. A bunch of students were screaming to help him. I looked at him struggling on his broom. I was trying not to laugh. He fell off of his broom and we won due to that.


The rest of the month went fast. It was almost Christmas break and everyone was excited about it. The great hall was decorated and in the corridor it smelled Apple cider. In our common room, the Quidditch team were decorating the big Christmas tree while the others were putting green and silver decorations almost everywhere.

"Wanna put the star on top of the tree?" Marcus asked me.

"Sure I would love to! But can someone give me a broom?"

Marcus gave me his broom and I took off to the top of the majestic Christmas tree. I put the silver star and looked at it before going back down. Some student kept decorating the room and some went to take cookies at the kitchen. Adrian and I sat on the couch next to each other.

"What are y'all doing for Christmas?" Marcus asks has the group arrived short after.

"I'm going home with my dad for Christmas but the rest of Christmas break I'm staying here." I said.

We exchanged the activities that we are going to do during the break. Emma, Blaise, Marcus and Adrian were going home. On the other side, the others were staying here.

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