Chapter 2 Going to Hogwarts:

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Soon after we arrived, Lucius was there. She helped me put everything in the dark red train that said ~Hogwarts Express~. We said bye to them and hugged them. The boys took my hand and dragged me to a compartment where the girl and the boy from the alley were.

Draco and Theo introduces them to me

"So Blondie here is Emma, the brunette is Pansy and the dude is Blaise."

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said.

Emma looked at me and said "What's your name?"

Theo cut me before I could say a word "Her name is Pearl."

"Nice to meet you Pearl. You have a special name." she answers.

I smiled shyly. It was awkward at first but soon after we were getting along like we always knew each other.


A while after the train started, an old lady in uniform with a troller arrived. She opened the door of the compartment.

She looked at us "Would you like something to eat or drink?" she said with a warm smile on her face.

We told her what we wanted and she gave us our food and drinks. She left after that. We closed the door of the compartment behind her. Emma took some jellybean, Pansy took a drink that was pink and it had bubbles, Blaise took a butterbeer like Theo and Draco and I took some chocolate frog.


A few minutes later, we got bothered again but this time they weren't annoyed by it. A girl with a soft and light skin, with blond almost white hair and blue eyes knocked on the door before opening it and sat beside me. She had a strange and calm look on her face. She was wearing pink and blue glasses and her Ravenclaw robe was already on. The girl had a little bag on her shoulders. 

Blaise looks up at her while finishing his butterbeer. "Oh hey Luna. What's up?"

Luna looked at him and she looked lost in his eyes "Some third years bullied me to have my compartment where I was with Ginny Weasley. She's in first year."

Blaise looked mad but Theo blocked him from going out.

"Where is she now?" Theo said.

"She's with Harry Potter and his friends." Luna didn't look annoyed by it; she was just calm and looking at Blaise.

She turned to me and looked confused. "Who are you?" she simply said.

I got used to that question so I answered "I'm Pearl. Pearl Snape."

She didn't look surprised at all "Oh" she just said. We continued our conversations with her. She was really sweet.


The train stopped and we took our belongings. The group and I went to an opened cart. I was in it with Luna, Pansy and Emma. When we were all settled in it started to drive itself. On the way I saw a creature in the forest. I looked up and saw the majestic castle. When the cart stopped, we had arrived to a stairs case that was leading to the school. We climbed the stairs. When we entered the big doors a woman with a strict look welcomed us.

"All new students wait here please. All of the other year you may go to your responsible table."

I bid the group goodbye and stayed there with some new students from almost every year. The first year were on their side talking to each other while me and a few new students stayed quiet.

A few minutes later, the strict lady came back.

"All the transfer student. It's your turn to be sorted. There is Griyffondors, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin." She stopped. "Okay follow me now."

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