Chapter 2: Dont worry thats the last thing i would do

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I ran on a treadmill next to Jayme as we watched our fight on the television.
"The big one is strong but slow, possibly stupid." Marcus told us
"Possibly?" I said sarcastically.
"Some sort of....simian hybrid." He concluded.
"Who took the little jumpy guy?" Sloane asked
"Me and Y/n, Just gave me a spanking and sent him to school." Jayme said
"Hey-oh!" Alphonso said fist bumping Jayme.
"Wait Y/n you fought?" Fei asked
"I wouldn't call it fighting. I brought them cookies afterwards.." I said trailing off.
"What?! Y/n, how many times do we have to tell you.. stop becoming friends with the enemy! They broke into our house for gods sake!" Ben yelled at me and I hopped off the treadmill and grabbed my sweatshirt.
"The small one also saved me from being decapitated by a couch which, by the way, Marcus threw!" I said to Ben.
"Wait! This is good! Y/n can become close with the small one and find out what they are planning to do!" Alphonso said and I rolled my eyes
"Isn't that what my powers already do dummy." I said cranking up his treadmill to a jog.
"Alphonso is right y/n. If you can't beat them, join them." Marcus said
"Fine." I sighed walking over to the kitchen and making a smoothie.
"The skinny one is their weak link." Fei noticed
"Unless hiding behind couches shout, "where's my daddy?" Is his superpower." Ben added
"It's communing with the dead." I told the group
"Enough post gaming. They disrespected us, Marcus. We need to be out there finding these freaks and taking 'em out." Ben said
"I can do that!" I piped up and they turned towards me.
I used my powers to find out where they were staying.
"I'll be back in a couple hours." I said running to my room to get dressed.
The hotel obsidian
I haven't been here since those weeds kidnapped me a couple years ago.
I walked through the spinning door and up to the front desk.
"Good morning madam." Chet said to me.
"Hello Chet." I said and he turned the tv off and looked at me confused
"How is it that you know my name?" He asked with a thick British accent.
"Name-tag, duh." I said and he nodded
"Was there something I could help you with?" He asked me and I nodded
"I am looking for someone who came in here not to long ago. A small schoolboy with the rest of his strange family." I said leaning on the desk.
"Ah, yes. They traded a watch for rooms 211 and 212." He told me and I nodded
"Thank you Chet." I said before making my way for the elevator.
Once I reached the 13th floor I stepped out of the red elevator and into a long hall of rooms. I passed by each.
And so on.
I turned a corner where I reached room 211 and 212 facing opposite eachother.
I knocked on room 212.
Vanya answered.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? How did you find us?" She asked sand I shrugged
"I have mind manipulation." I told her and she nodded
"Please,come in." She said and I walked into the small dull room.
"What brings you here?" I heard Allison ask leaving the bathroom.
"I have certain business to discuss with your brother, Five." I said and she nodded
"What kind of business?" Vanya asked sitting down on her bed.
"Classified, business." I said and she nodded.
"Just tell us Y/n.. I mean how do we know you aren't going to kill him." Allison asked
"If I wanted to kill him, I would have back in the mansion." I said
"Then what is it you need from him?" Vanya asked me as Allison leaned on the doorway between the bathroom and the bedroom.
"I-I.." i couldn't think of anything
"Spit it out Y/n." Allison told me sternly
Ah shit, this is the only thing I can think of? Really?
"I wanted to ask him out. On a date " I said nervously and Alison's eyes went wide.
"Five? Like Five Hargreeves?" She said and I nodded
"I don't see another guy named Five around here." I said and she stood up straight.
"Wait, Y/n. You do know fives age right?" Vanya asked me and I nodded
"Yes, and I believe I am in a similar situation to that." I said and she looked at me like I was crazy.
"So is he around.." I said looking at my feet.
"Yeah, next room over." She said and I nodded.
"Good luck with your daughter Allison." I said and she nodded
"Thank you. Good luck with, boning Five." She said and I chuckled.
"Don't worry, that's the last thing I would do." I said walking out into the hall again and turning to face door 211.
"Here goes nothing." I said
I knocked three times and Diego answered the door holding a knife out.
"What the hell do you want?" He said and I rolled my eyes.
"I'd like to speak with your brother please." I said and he swung the door open fully to reveal his three brothers.
"Which one?" He said
"Five." I said and he nodded inviting me in.
"Five, there's a girl here to see you." Diego said and the boy sat up from his lying down position on the bunk bed.
"Y/n? What do you want?" He asked me
"Can i talk to you about something in private?" I asked him and he nodded standing up and leading me to the bathroom.
I closed the door behind me.
"So what's this all about?" He said and I exhaled slowly.
Was I really about to do this, shit. Marcus better fucking pay me when I get back.
"I wanted to personally thank you again for saving me." I said and he gave me a confused look.
"Didn't you already-" i cut him off
"And ask you out. To dinner " I said nervously and his eyes went wide
The silence was loud and unbearable.
That was until we heard something slide under the door. Klaus had shoved a condom under the door.
"Piss off Klaus!" Five yelled before turning back to me.
"You know what? That was stupid! I'll leave you be.." i said beginning to walk away and out the door but he grabbed my wrist.
"19:00, tonight. Wear something nice." He said and I smiled brightly.
I left the room and saw one of Feis crows.
"Hey Fei, i have got a date with the small one tonight. Can you follow me there?" I asked and her crow squawked.
And with that I made my way back to The Sparrow Academy. Maybe tonight won't be so bad? No! Y/n! Stop liking the enemy!

Fives POV.
"Well? What was that?" Klaus asked me as I watched y/n leave through the door.
"She asked me out, on a date." I said in shock and klaus' eyes went wide.
"OMG you guys are going to be the cutest couple!" Klaus said excitedly running and hugging me. I pushed him off
"Wait five. Your going out with her?" Diego asked and I nodded
"That's crazy she's a sparrow." He said and I exhaled
"I know..... i probably wont go anyway." I said and he nodded before I went to lay down again.

Or maybe I will? I mean she wasn't terrible to look at. She didn't make me want to rip her vocal chords out. And she seemed to not hate me either.
Did I like her?


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