Chapter 8: Fives Postal Service

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Five was now in a suit and I was wearing something that didn't make me seem like the enemy.
We went into the control room of the hotel to hopefully fix the briefcases.
Five opened the box and put to thingys on these other thingys. I don't really know.
"Nice suit." Lila spoke up and I nodded in agreement sitting on some random box.
"Thanks. Tailor in the lobby is a master craftsman." Five said as he fiddled with some other gadgets that I had no idea about
"Still, I will miss those pasty knees." Lila said sarcastically looking at him.
"Yeah, we'll, we could all stand to be showing a little less skin these days." Five said and I smacked him across the head
"Not you, you show all the skin you want." He said looking me up and down and I smiled
"For you." Lila said handing him something.
"Yeah." He said grabbing them.
"Ready to Hot-wire this briefcase?" She asked as she picked up something to turn on the thing that five had.
"Let's do this-AH SHIT." He yelled as he got electrocuted
"Lila stop!" I yelled and she turned it off and laughed and walked out of the control room
"Five! Are you ok?" I asked as he put out the fire.
"Yeah, I was 99% sure that wouldn't work." She sat onto of a metal laundry basket.
"Well, I'm glad my pain amuses you." He said and I grabbed his hand.
"You ok?" I asked and he smiled at me
"Perfect." He said grabbing my hand back.
"You have no idea. It's like my therapy." She said and five walked out of the control room and closed the door.
"Well, now we are down to one half dead briefcase, and my jumps are only accurate up to a couple minutes. So essentially, we're screwed." Five said pacing
I stood next to Lila
"Maybe." She said blankly
"Maybe?" I asked
She smiled
"Oh I hate that smile." He said annoyed and I laughed lightly
"Listen, on your own, your little jumps are rather pathetic." I gave her a brain freeze
"Ow! Y/n!" I stopped
"Oops." I said walking up to my boyfriend and hugging his side
"But if we powered up together. You blinking, me mimicking that blink, I think we could create some kind of feedback loop and get enough juice to jump start the case." She explained
"Both of us together?" Five asked suspicion rising
"We'd have to trust each other." Lila said
"Lila you just spent the better part of the last ten days trying to end my life." He said
"You killed my birth parents" she said and I looked at five shocked
"Fair enough." He said and she got up.
"And your entire family stood by while that greasy Swede put a cap in the woman who raised me." She said upset
"So many questions..." I said confused and five squeezed my hand again.
"The handler was going to kill you, Lila." Five protested.
"In fact. She did kill you. Then I rolled back time and let the meatball do his work. Oh and by the way, if you're leading Diego on as payback for what happened in Texas, you're pissing up the wrong ladder there because that idiot might actually love you. The handler never did. Cmon." Five said dragging me away from Lila
"What do you know? Your banging the enemy who's biggest power is giving the same effect a slushy does." Lila said and five let go of my hand. Did this bitch just talk about me?!
"Don't talk about Y/N LIKE that!!" Five yelled walking back up to her.
"This is insane, there is no way we're gonna get past this to make it to the commission." She said shaking her head
"Okay, perhaps we can't get to trust, but there is a certain honesty in white-hot hatred." He said and she walked past him
"Then come over here you god awful little shit." She said opening the door
"And hold my hand." She said and five smiled and grabbed her hand walking into the control room and closing the door.
"Thanks for remembering me!" I yelled about to walk away but five jumped in front of me.
"Sorry." He said kissing me passionately and blinking us into the control room where him and Lila put their powers together and time traveled to the Commission.

(Imagine Luther told Diego that Y/n was a trap. Whiles he was making the mix tape)

We arrived in a area I was not familiar with. I was snowing heavily.
"Oh brilliant idea Lila! Welcome to the Ice age!" Five yelled over the sound of wind.
"Shut up and just look." Lila said turning around and we turned around to face a building covered in snow.
"Is that the postal service you worked at?!" I yelled at Five and he shook his head
"This is a little more complicated than that, y/n!" Five said grabbing my hand.
He dragged me along with him as we walked into the building.
It was very battered and broken when we entered the "Commission" but five kept a strong grip on me to show me he knew I was confused.
And I was.
Confused as hell
Lila laughed as we entered the building.
"Holy shit." She said looking around and I did to. Windows were broken and glass was everywhere.
"I was just here. How long was I bloody gone?" Lila said confused
"It seems the grandfather paradox is affecting everything. Even places out of time." Five said fixing his cuff.
"Is that possible?" She asked confused as five took my hand again as I continued to look around.
"I stopped tracking what was possible a long time ago." Five said as he reached down to grab the briefcase he had set down.
Just then, the ceiling began to cave in and a rock hit my head
"Ow..." I said as I rubbed my head and five looked at me with worry.
"Shit, are you ok?" He said checking my head for serious injury and I nodded
"I'm fine." I muttered rubbing my head as his hands rested on my cheeks.
We gazed into each-others eyes as we hadn't noticed the closeness before then Lila clearly her throat.
"I hat to break up your eye fuck-fest, but we best get going. I'm freezing." She said and five took his hands from my face
"I'm going to go check the infinite switchboard." He said grabbing my hand and beginning to walk up the stairs as I blushed lightly.
"And I'll check herbs office. Little cockroach would survive anything. Try not to fuck on the infinite switchboard please." She said and five scoffed
"I'll try." He said and my eyes went wide
HELL TRY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
We walked up the stairs quickly
"Bye!" Lila yelled
"See ya." Five said still holding my hand and lugging up the steps.
"Miss you." Lila said and I giggled
"That's weird." Five muttered back to her and I giggled again.

Once in the room with the infinite switchboard, five was on me like bees on honey. He kissed my lips and my neck
"Five, we can't." I said between moans and he groaned in annoyance
"I said i would try, not succeed." He smiled down at me and I rolled my eyes.


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