Chapter 6: The Grandfather Paradox aka: your doom.

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We arrived at a certain farm in which Klaus' mother supposedly lived.
"Son of a bitch! Klaus is Amish." Five said as we exited the car.
"This explains everything." Klaus said as he headed towards the farm. The cows mooed and I breathed in the fresh air.
"How does this explain everything?" Five asked confused
"Because look! Look at this place! This is everything my childhood was missing." Klaus said and I turned to five
"This is amazing!" I said looking at the fields with a smile on my face.
"It's grass Y/n." He said calming me down but I kept my grin.
"I've never been outside the city!" I said and five looked at me.
"Really?" He said and I shook my head.
"Ben hates leaving me out of his sight, he thinks I'm the rebellious one. I'm surprised I made it this far!" I said and five nodded knowingly.
"Hey, uh. Klaus." Five said as his brother walked off.
"Yeah?" He turned around
"Wait up a minute." Five said jogging up to him.
"Doppelgänger check. You feel anything strange? Uh. Itching sweating gas, anything like that?" Five asked and klaus just grabbed his hand.
", I feel great." He said
"Apart from the old rash on the tackle,but what can you do?"
My focus was taken off the pair when a group of girl grabbed my wrist.
"What- five!" I yelled and he turned to me as klaus ran off.
"Have fun Y/n!" He said laughing and I scolded him.
They dragged me into a local farm.
"You need more appropriate clothing my dear." An old women said and I scoffed.
"It's not like I walking around with my tits out." I said and she rolled her eyes
"Here, put this on." She said handing me and old times dress.
"No way!" I yelled and she insisted.
"Fine." I walked behind a haystack and put on the dress, I looked stupid.

" I walked behind a haystack and put on the dress, I looked stupid

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"You look wonderful." She said and I rolled my eyes
"Yeah now can I go?" I asked and she smiled
"Of course my dear child, your boyfriend will love the new look." She said and I scoffed
"He's not my boyfriend, yet." I said as I walked out of the barn.
Those stupid girls had also taken off my dark makeup and replaced it with lighter makeup and put a bow in my combed hair.
"Five!" I yelled back as I saw him sitting in the car and his eyes went wide.
"Where did you go Sparrow?" He asked as I sat in the back seat next to him.
"Some weird women gave me a "makeover" what do you think?" I said sarcastically posing.
He smiled as he filled in the crossword.
"You look amazing Y/n." He said and I smiled and blushed.
"Watcha doing?" I said scooting over into the middle seat and resting my hands on his shoulder and my head on my hands.
"Crossword." He said wearing theses goofy glasses.
I grabbed his glasses from his face and placed them on my face.
"Wow.." he said staring at me and I giggled. I leaned in slowly as he tossed the crossword to the floor and kissed him. He kissed me back quickly and things soon escalated and he was on top of me. We made out passionately breaking every few minutes and five slipping his hand up my dress.
"Fuck y/n..." he groaned and I smiled against his lips.
Everything was perfect until we felt a gust and then it happened again. We looked up to see all of the cows were gone.
"Weren't there?—"
"Cows there yeah..." he said as he got up and I sighed.
"Cant I get one fucking day off.." he scoffed and I rolled my eyes
"Two times..really?" I said as I sat up too. He began drawing on the window with a marker. They seemed to be equations.
As he wrote down the equations I rolled down the window he was working on.
"Y/n!" He said annoyed but I shut him up with a kiss through the window.
"What was that for?" He said annoyed and i smiled cheeklily
"In not sure...I just find you very handsome." I said and he blushed but tried to hide it
I rolled it back up and jumped back into the backseat.

We all of a sudden heard screaming.
"Five!!" Oh here we go.
I got out of the car to take a closer look. I hit fives arm and he turned around
Klaus was being chased by the Amish.
Of course he was
"Start the car would ya?!??" He yelled
"Shit shit shit!!! Five! Start the car!!"
"Why can't you just get along with people huh?" Five asked jogging to drive the car and I hopped in the back.
"I tried!"
A women yelled and she spoke with klaus before handing him a book.
We drove off quickly avoiding the army of Amish
"Check mom died here before I was born!" Klaus exclaimed and Five slammed the brake.
"What did you just say?!" He asked and Klaus showed him the book.
We rushed into the hotel obsidian to find the rest of the family.
"Okay, gather around people." Five said placing the book on the bar.
"What the hell is she doing here?" Diego questioned and I shook my head.
"He's right I should probably go.." I said turning around but five grabbed my hand.
"You're staying, I'm not done with you." He said and I blushed hard squeezing his hand.
"Where is— where's every—- Where's Luther?" Five asked looking around for his brother.
"Haven't seen him."
"Who knows."
I noticed Allison was very upset so I waddled over to her.
"Hey, you ok?" I asked and she lifted her head. Her eyes were red.
"Shouldn't you be heading home to your own family." She said bitterly and I walked away in disappointment.
"Anybody know where—- okay you know what?" Five said opening the book.
"We got bigger problems to worry about right now." Five said
"Like what?" Allison said
"This." Five said pointing at the book before flipping a page. I peered over his shoulder and spotted a familiar woman from fives memories.
"That's your mom." I whispered into his ear whiles hugging him from behind  and he smiled lightly.
"Who are they?" Viktor asked
"These, are our mothers." Five said as he flipped pages. Klaus slammed his hand on the page with his mother
"That's one's mine." He said and I smiled whiles rocking five and I side to side.
"They're all dead." Five said and I stopped rocking.
"They all died on the exact same day, October 1st 1989." Five continued
"That's our birthday." Viktor chimes in
"Not anymore, it isn't." Five said
"They all died before we were born." He finished
"That's dumb. If we weren't born, how can we exist?" Diego asked and I rolled my eyes.
"Exactly." Five said
"What are you saying?" Viktor asked worried
"I'm saying when we jumped here we created a time paradox. All right? Not just any paradox. This is the grandfather paradox." Five said to his family and I teleported into the bar and began making myself a drink.
"What the hell is a grandfather paradox?" Klaus asked his brother.
There was a uncomfortable silence as I downed my drink and scrunched my nose as the bitter taste.

(I know the makeover thing is random but it was to pass the time and get the word count up 😅)

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