Chapter 21:The morning and the end

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I woke up to complete silence as images of last night fled through my brain. I blushed as my eyes crept open and the sun glared in through the large windows. The red sheets that covered my almost naked body were crumpled and messy and my dress was on the floor. I noticed that five was absent from the room which instantly made my mood flip.

I held the sheets close to my chest as I sat up and walked over to the closet. I slid open the door and grabbed a nice dress and cardigan that was much less dress-y than my dress from the previous night.

I put on some black slip on shoes as fixed my hair in the vanity mirror sitting next to the closet. I walked out the suite door taking one last look at the bed and closed the door lightly.

Outside the hotel there was a strong breeze as the black hole thingy ate up what remained of the city of New York. I spotted my husband sitting on the edge of the floating piece that remained of the universe and walked closer to him as my heels clicked with each step.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." He said as I sat next to him and left my feet dangle. I leaned in and wrapped my arm in his and kissed his cheek.

"Hiya honey." I said leaning my head on his shoulder. I noticed a bottle of whiskey in his hand and gasped sitting up.

"Five Whatever your middle name is Hargreeves!" I grabbed the bottle from his hand and threw it over the edge.

"No!" He complained and I rolled my eyes as I stared at him

"Is your only plan in life to get waisted and forget everything?" I questioned and he smirked

"I also really enjoyed what happened last night so I wouldn't mind doing that aga- Ow!" He grasped the back of head which I had smacked and we went back to looking out at the "world"

"Reginald" Five greeted the footsteps we heard from behind us

"I take it you know why I'm here." He said and I turned to look at the man standing behind us.

"How are you still alive?" I said and turned back to the edge of nothing.

"How bout i save you some time? Give you the "No" upfront." Five said as he looked back at the man and I chuckled lightly and turned to see my fathers disappointed face.

"I'm not the least bit interested in this bullshit plan you've been cooking." He said

"It's not as you do colourfully called it, bullshit." Dad protested and I scoffed

"That's been said before." I said and he rolled his eyes looking down at us. His gaze frightened me to the point of holding fives hand tightly and he squeezed it in reassurance.

"Mind if I join you?" Reginald asked us as he motioned to the spot next to me.

"Actually appreciate some.....solitude." Five said but dad sat next to us anyway.

"It's seems I won't get any." Five said and I laughed as I leaned my head back on his shoulder.

"It is impressive isn't it?" Reginald said staring out into the open....apocalypse.

"All the ways we could have screwed the pooch, this way is the most complete. I'm relived, actually. This time, everything goes. There's no commission, no leaping away. No life spent going mad with the desperation to see a familiar face. Alone." Five said and I hugged him tighter as he kissed my head.

"I've seen worlds end in ways that would knock your socks off old man." Reginald said and five sat up with a shock but confused look on his face.

"Wow! Reginald Hargreeves, you never cease to surprise me." He said and I giggled lightly.

"That is some comfort. You know, they all run together after a while. But you never forget your first. Your home. Your family. Your original sin. Your....wife." Reginald said and I shot up. Did this fucker just call me a sin?!

"I appreciate the two of you pretending like marriage was the route to go down, but I think we can all agree that you, y/n, only did this to hide from your true potential." He said and my eyes grew angrier as my grasp on five let go.

"Shut up." I spat at my "father"

"You know that you are doing this to distract yourself from the truth y/n. My number one." He said and I stood up furious and threw a car from behind him close to his head

"I am not your number one!" I yelled and punched him in his stupid face. I continued to punch him until he laid unconscious and then pushed him over the edge of the universe. A grin peeled onto my face as I turned around and kissed five as my fathers blood ran down my hands and face. He smiled back at me as he was now drenched in blood.

"Y/n!" Five called and I looked up at him as I snapped out of my daydream as tears filled my eyes. I sat up and stood up dusting off my dress and the tears fell. I heard five yell after me as I jogged back to the hotel

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