Chapter 15: The new number one and the defenders

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My tattoo hurt, a lot.
That's all I'm gonna say.


We gathered in the buffalo sweet and Lila was freaking out because Stanley was missing, apparently by fault of thé Kugelblitz.

"What the hell are you doing? Stanley is gone, we need to face that!" Lila yelled walking into the room and watching Diego search the room. Five was staring at and painting thing that Lila and Diego had told us was an opening to a secret world with a monster on the other end of it.

"Just check the chimney!" Diego yelled back as I sighed laying down on the couch.

"He's not in the bloody chimney! He's been Kugelblitzed!" Lila said and I shook my head again. Stanley was a good kid, he didn't deserve his parents fighting.

"Whose fault is that huh? You're the one that brought him here!" Diego yelled walking over to Lila as five turned around and I rubbed my hands on my head to ease my headache.

"Congratulations. You're both mildly terrible parents. Can we focus? Come one. How did this thing open before?" Five asked gesturing to the "door"

"I don't know it was already kinda open" Diego hugged walking to look for Stanley and I sighed sitting up.

"Already kinda open" You know Diego you should have been an engineer. It's a lost opportunity." Five said sarcastically and I laughed.

"Why do you want to go in there anyway? It's just sushi and death." Lila said walking to five and I stood up and walked quickly to the door.

"They've got sushi?!" I exclaimed banging on the door to try and get in and five grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back.

"When we met future us in the commission bunker, I warned myself about oblivion. Now pogo told me—" Five said but was cut off by Diego

"Wait! Whoa, whoa!  Pogos alive?" Diego asked and I nodded

"Different pogo but yes. The monkey said Dad spent years training the Sparrows for some kind of super-secret mission into..." five said as he looked at the door and then back at us

"Oblivion?" Lila said unamused and my eyes widened

"Oh my god, this is it." I said as I walked up to the door and grazed my hand over it.

"Wait. What do you know about Oblivion y/n?" Five asked walking up to me as my eyes kept focus on the door.

"Dad, he always said that I had some sort of connection with the defenders of 'oblivion'. He said that once we were eligible enough to fight the defenders, I would become the new number one. The only sparrow capable of killing their most deadly defender.  I mean dad always told me that love was a social concept developed by middle aged white men who couldn't get laid, so I wouldn't believe everything he says. He also told me Oblivion is a fantasy land that he has been trying to—" I noticed the look on fives face he seemed to understand

"So, I come back here and find that you two sentient STDs  have actually been in there. Everything's leading to Oblivion, so we have to go in there." Five said and Lila and Diego seemed shocked at his words

"Hell no! Not happening."
"No way! We barely got out alive."

"Yeah so what? This about more than just you two." Five said in disgust

"Says the guy with all his fingers. I don't get this by giving a mummy a hand job, all right?" Diego said and I laughed wrapping my arm around fives waist

"I went in there, and I lost my fingers to this thing with.."

"A knife on a chain" I said and Diego nodded. Five gave me a confused look and I lifted my skirt lightly to see a knife on a chain tattoo that had the words 'Y/n Hargreeves, Number 1, Defender slaughterer' written on it

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