Chapter 16: Allison is gone cray cray

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"What.." Viktor muttered as he looked at his sister.

"I-I don't... I don't understand. Why?" Viktor asked as his heart broke into a million pieces.

"Because he didn't deserve to live." Allison said and Ben grabbed a pack of cheese balls and motioned for me to move over so I scooted closer to five but it wasn't far enough so I just teleported onto the arm of the couch with my feet on fives lap.

"What? Because they said so?" Viktor said motioning to the living sparrows excluding me.

"You don't have to listen to them." Viktor said as his voice cracked and I looked down at Ben

"20 bucks on the little one." He whispered to five and I scoffed

"They don't get to tell us what to do." Viktor said and I looked down at five.
'I do' i mouthed and he smirked and looked back at his fighting siblings.

"I'll take that action." He said back to Ben

"You coulda talked to me. We could've figured out something else." Viktor pleaded

"So what? You could lie to us again and take his side?" Allison said and I looked at Ben and he made a face that said
'This is getting good bitch'
I made one back saying
'I know bitch my god'

"That's not what happened." Viktor said back to Allison shaking his head

"Oh,no, that's exactly what happened. I know Harlan killed all of our mothers" Allison said leaning in and I hassled loudly.

"Shit this just got good." I said to Ben and he nodded frantically.

"What?" Diego asked
"Whoa." Luther said in shock
"What?" Five asked and I looked down at him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and leaned in to kiss his forehead.
"Shit." Ben said

Diego sighed and we looked over at him.

"Bloody plot twist." Lila said and I hugged fives head into my chest.

"Who told you that?" Viktor asked looking around the room before meeting allisons eyes again.

"Harlan. After you lied about it to my face." Allison said through gritted teeth and I let go of five as he leaned forward.

"Is that true Viktor? Harlan started all this?" Diego asked his brother and he inhaled quickly

"Yeah, but he didn't mean to hurt anyone he—" Viktor shakily said

"How do you know?" Five said annoyed at his brother and leaning in further. Viktor looked at five in shock that he would take Allisons side but at this point, it was a free for all on Viktor.

"Because I know him. And he was sweet and kind until I made him like us. Okay? So I screwed him up. And if you need someone to blame, I'm right here—" Viktor said sternly but was cut off by Allison.

"What makes you think I don't?" Allison said angrily at her brother and my eyes widened as Ben and I looked at each other again.

"This wasn't about saving the world. This was about hurting me. Payback for—" Allison stood up and she was far taller than Viktor. She slowly walked towards him.

"Go on." She said as she got closer and I readied to break the two up if anything happened.

"Say her name." Allison whispered as she stared at her brother but Luther stood up

"You know what? Maybe we should all just take a minute—okay" he said as Allison held up her hand for him to shut up.

"Did killing Harlan bring Claire back?"
"Did protecting him being sissy back?" Allison challenged and I looked at five in confusion.

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