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Two days spent but the environment was as it was

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Two days spent but the environment was as it was. Nothing had changed. After that day both had no conversation though he tried to talk her, to convince her but this time krisha was hell serious about the matter that she blocked all ways for him to converse with her. She only want his decision and nothing more.

After coming from her home that day ritvik thought a lot. He calmly took the situation and deeply thought about it. She was right, after all every girl will want to secure her future. He knew that in no way he will leave her hand but he had to clear her insecurity moreover his attitude towards the matter was something which will never make her feel secure.

Out of sudden ritvik jerk up from his world as soon as something fell on his shoulder or better if say someone. He quickly back out and held that someone, who landed on his lap as he was sitting on the chair little distance from his desk.

"Ouch!!" He whimpered.


Ritvik's tightly scrunched eyes opened widely as soon as the voice entered in his ears. The voice which his soul was wishing to hear.... His head put back as the pleasurable sigh left his mouth. His palm automatically traced upside her body hugging her waist to his chest.

"Krisha__" Krisha's eyes welled up with tears as the loneliness of his voice hitted directly in her heart making her weak to respond. She felt her tears coming out which she managed and swallowed in.

"Are you fine? I am really sorry. Do you get hurt??" She asked concernedly but he didn't answer. The pain sometime ago hitted was gone after seeing her. He just forgot everything and shook his head. Understanding his emotions she immediately got down from his lap and started making her way outside once packing her stuff in the handbag as it was the time to leave the office.

Ritvik also picked up his laptop back and moved behind her calling her name again and again.
"Please listen to me once!! Please krisha for once talk to me!!"

"There is nothing to talk ritvik! Better you stop following me....."

She was just going to say something when suddenly he grabbed her and pulled in a corner so that no one could see them. Krisha cried at the sudden move but relaxed as it was her ritvik only....
"I can't and won't stop following you. Why are you doing this with me? You can slap me, punish me Or do anything you want but atleast talk to me. I can't handle this silent treatment krishu. Curse me as much as you want but please don't throw me away from you." His words stopped her. Still turning her face to other side she wasn't responding.

Ritvik sighed as he joined his head with the side of hers as his lips pressed on her jaw. Krisha took a deep breathe as again it was affecting her turning her weak. She fisted on his shirt, tried to push him away but failed.

"Leave me ritvik! I have to go home. Just leave me!" She said but it got ignored by him. He nuzzled her cheek with the tip of his nose. His both palms were on either sides of the wall caging her in between as the muscled chest was pressing hers one hitching her breathes.

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