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"That bastard did every torture on my daughter but she bore that only for you

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"That bastard did every torture on my daughter but she bore that only for you. Her every sacrifice was for you. She hid her identify, stayed away from her own parents and lived alone. After years again a hope arose but you broke it mercilessly ritvik."

Alok sat back on the couch, he cried out unable to hide his tears more.

And ritvik was shocked. His feet turned cold after facing the reality. He hated her for 6 years and why? For nothing. For the think she never did. He pointed finger on her character, left no brick unturned to hate her. And still she bore everything, tried to tell him but he never heard any word.

"Uncle why are blaming him? Ritvik never knew about krisha's reason. A normal human can act like this only. He did mistake but he isn't completely at fault. Let them both solve it. Please!"

Prem tried to convince her parents but they were no way stopping. Ritvik's heart broke again and again remembering same things. Unconsciously he left from there. Behind him Prem too followed not wanting to leave him in this state.

"Ritvik, please listen to me! Please open the door, for God sake don't do any stupidity."

Prem banged on the door. He was following ritvik but then due to some reasons distracted from the way. After that he went to Kashyap mansion but there none knew about him. Guessing little he went to his apartment where he usually stays. Reaching there he found that ritvik has locked himself.

He tried for a long time and finally ritvik opened the door. Prem grabbed his shoulders and checked if he was fine then sighing in relief looked at him.

"It's not the way ritvik. You have to deal with this situation, for the sake of krisha don't waste your time in regret or guilt. You haven't done anything for that__"

"Please don't say that Prem. You know what I have done. You very well know how I used to treat her__" A lump formed in his throat and he instantly hugged his friend.

"I'm the worst person Prem. I was blind in hatred, she always tried to tell me and I always unheard her, tortured her."

Prem rubbed his back in a soothing manner. He made him sit and then offered some water. Once he was done he placed his palm on his shoulder and said.

"Apologies her untill she forgives you but don't burn yourself in the guilt. Krisha did what she could in that situation and you did according to the situation. You didn't know about that bastard's deed and if you then these doesn't has happened. Listen to me ritvik! Your priority is to deal with krisha if you wasted your time here then she will slip far away from him."

Ritvik's eyes filled with furry as his eyes turned red due to the rage. He balled a tight fist and gritted his teeth.


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