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The chase had been continued from last few days

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The chase had been continued from last few days. Ritvik had gotten so much involved in it as somehow he had gotten the hint that she was his krisha. He couldn't be more sure for anything than this. They had spent three years together and that were enough for the every cell of his body to recognize her.

The office hours finished as now the employees were leaving it one by one. Ritvik as usual from his cabin was staring at her. There was no emotion on his face, he couldn't form one. There were mixed feelings. He wanted to he happy that he got her but at the same time the causes she had done few years back were fresh in his mind. And the most important thing, he doesn't know if she was married or still waiting for him?

'Why would she wait for you? Have you forgotten what she had done with you, your reputation and your mother? You had almost lost her, don't forget. The emotion you should have for her is 'hate'.'

His mind fought with him leaving him pissed off with everything. For sometime subsiding the hate he focused on her as by any trick he has to make her confess that she is krisha and the reason behind her to hide her identity.

He looked at her place but she wasn't there, maybe he was so much in his thoughts that he didn't realise when she left.

Picking up the coat he hanged it on and left behind her to find her as he had determined to make her confess the truth by hook or crock.

There krisha hurriedly walked from the streets. She was alone as the cab she had booked faced some problem and from then she had to go by herself. The place was little scary due to the darkness. Few mens on the other end of pathway were eyeing her. She adjusted her handbag and kept walking till a bulky figure huddled her way.

Her heart beats dropped as she looked up at the man. He was scary with the looks and body language but she decided to be strong.
"Wh_What are you doing? Who are you? And why did you come in my way?" She asked though her voice was breaking due to the fear.

The man smirked and eyed at the others. "Nothing! We'll finish our work and free you." His smirk grew more as he stepped closer. Krisha reversed her foot but got hitted by another figure. Her body flinched out as she moved around to find four men caging her in middle. The first one began to move closer but she decided not to give up.

He tried to touch her and in instant move she tightened her body and kicked the sharp end of knee with the middle pelvic region of him. He groaned with pain and crused while moving behind with the strings of immense pain down there.

She ran in full speed but the others chased her. She went wherever her feet took her, once titling her head behind she continued running but then realised that she jumped before a vehicle and in the flip of eye the horns got louder with her own scream she covered her face waiting for the waves of pain to hit her.

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