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"How are you mom?"

He hugged his mother and kissed on her head staying in her embrace for sometime.

"Not good! Why do you always leave me alone? First you and now hrithik too. He isn't talking to me and keeps working in his own world like we don't exist. And your father__i don't have words for him."

She scrunched her nose dramatically at her husband who in returns passed a shocking look. Ritvik glared at his father and made his mother sit.

"What have you done with my mother? Seriously dad? You can't keep your own wife happy__"

"This dramatic wife of mine has sucked my whole blood and complaining like I did something. Just ignore her, she has grown old and grumpy now." He fired back and their banter continued making their elder son laugh out.

Ritvik sat on the sofa and laughed his heart out which surprised his parents. They both exchanged happy smiles and kept looking at him. It's been years when they had last seen him laughing like this. It was heart warming for them.

"I just can't belive, how did you spend so many years together with this nonsense banters? You guys have grown smaller than your age. It's like oldies are turning teenagers." He paused and straightened his posture.

"Dad take care of my mother properly and mom you should work patiently. Now you both continue your banter, I'm going to look after my silly brother." He kissed on his mother's cheek and hugged his father before leaving for office.


"Don't call me again! I have cleared everything to you, now what's the mean of doing all this?" He hissed on the call and before the other person could answer threw it on floor.

The broken piece of mobile reached near ritvik's shoes. He glanced at it and then at his brother who was looking tried and frustrated. Walking till there he sat with a chair before him facing his little one.

"What's up?"

"Bhai__" Hrithik's eyes shinned with tears as he immediately got up and threw his arms around him.

The unusual behavior made ritvik suspect about something wrong.

"What's wrong hrithik? You can share with me!" He stated assuring him but hrithik wasn't convinced he faked a smile and shook his head negatively.

"Nothing bhai, I was just missing you__"

"No! That's not the point. There's something more and i can sense it. Tell me whenever you want but don't hide it for long or it will take a toll over you. Hmm?" He softly said creasing his cheek.

Hrithik smiled as they both sat talking about here and there for sometime.


It was late night when the door unlocked. Ritvik entered from the main doors, he took the view of his apartment and was surprised. Just in few days everything has changed. His messy home was perfectly arranged and it was watchable unlike before.

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