28. 𝐍𝐄𝐄𝐃

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𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 :- 𝟔𝟓+ & 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒



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A girl was seen sitting on the bed. Her eyes were flowing with tears as she couldn't hold them back.

"What have I done for this?"

"Nothing! You don't have any fault." He said with a painful voice. His own heart broke thousand of times before hurting her.

"Then why are you punishing me? Till now you used me and now when I gave you the most important news you are leaving me?" She asked wiping her tears which were no way stopping.

He turned to her and sat before her. His palms wiped her cheeks and he made her look into his eyes.

"I like you. I really do but I can't love you. I don't want you. It's better to end whatever we had here only. About this news then I will provide you the amount just fix it and start a new life." He told. His heart clenched while uttering those words to her. Her tears were piercing his heart. He couldn't take that more and grabbing his coat made his way out of the room.

"I hate you! I hate you." She mumbled and cried more. Her sobs grew more as she tried to wipe the tears but couldn't.



Krisha was in the kitchen and cooking the food for them. She was engrossed in her work when the door bell ranged and their servant opened it.

Her lips curved with a smile when she saw ritvik arriving. She noticed his fallen face and it didn't look good. Thinking to ask him she went towards him.

"What happened? Are you stressed about anything?"

"Nothing!" He avoided and sat on the couch. His fingers went through the mobile and he dialled his brother's number.

"What was he saying? Couldn't you tell him that I'm not interested? So? They will plan my marriage behind my back and you won't do anything? Don't forget that I have saved you many times." He talked without realising krisha's presence.

Krisha had taken back after what he said. His marriage? But he is married, isn't it?

Just for three more months!

She remembered about the contract. And they had just three month. After the termination of that contract their marriage will automatically proved as void then she won't be able to do anything. Maybe he also want same, why will he continue it when he hates her so much.

She shrugged off the thoughts and moved to the kitchen giving no attention to it.

Ritvik's eyes travelled to hers and he narrowed his eyebrows at her sudden sad face. Then he realised that she heard everything.

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