Chapter 1

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Hey so Im finally writing a crossover fic like I've always wanted to. So Percy is 19 in this fic and although I do like percabeth I'm not sure I can write it and I can't do something like that to percabeth fans. So yeah. Sorry. I hope you like this. By the way the title is just a quote from a picture I found on Pinterest this is not a tragedy!

"I will not give up until I see the sun" Red 'Hold me now'

Percy sat by their graves in the pouring rain, two thoughts prevalent in his mind. Grief for all those whom he had lost, and how his friends would have hated how cliched this was.

He visited everyday, spending at least five minutes at every grave, talking about everything and nothing at all, the good memories he had of them and the bittersweet ones before the battle. The first few weeks after their funerals, he would sit there for hours, talking about everything and nothing, thinking, or just sitting there in daze staring at the headstones in front of him. He would spend longer at Annabeth's, sometimes recounting their quests together, sometimes talking of the life he had planned for them, choking up every other sentence.

The gods currently had no real use for him. He had ensured the safety of the camps, killing every last monster in Gaea's army himself. Both camps were at least allies, on the verge of bettering relations further. Demigods were still grieving their losses from the Giant war; there were far too many deaths, but they were healing. There was no threat looming on the horizon, no vengeful god, no stolen items.

Camp Half-Blood may have been home to him, but it wasn't a place he could stay right now. Not when he could see Annabeth everywhere he looked, beating up some dummies mercilessly with the dagger Luke gave her, planning some battle strategy, climbing the lava wall or in her cabin working on Dedalus' laptop. So he had left camp. He promised to come back one day, but right now? The wound was too fresh, too raw. Not when grief and flashbacks threatened to overwhelm him at any given opportunity. So he left, not really looking back.

He was, however, to be approached by any demigod who needed help. Just because he left camp didn't mean he didn't help those who needed it. His apartment was set up with a homing signal like the camps so Greek and Roman demigods alike could find it if they needed help on a quest or were in trouble. He was actually used to finding demigods inside or outside his apartment by now.

It was still a surprise, however, when he walked into his apartment to find an Avenger sitting inside bleeding out onto his couch.

"Hi" came the voice of one Clint Barton. "I need your help."

~line break~

Percy stopped dead in the doorway as he examined the sight before him. There were little splatters of blood on the floor and carpet, most of it confined to the couch, but it wasn't something he wasn't used to, bleeding demigods came in all the time. It just wasn't everyday Clint Barton, an Avenger came in asking for help. So being the Seaweed Brain that he was, he stared.

"Well," Clint amended as he saw Percy staring, "technically SHIELD needs your services, but as you can probably see, I definitely wouldn't mind your help."

"Yes, I don't suppose having a bullet in your shoulder is very comfortable" Percy quipped, a stunned look on his face as he retrieved his specially modified first aid kit, equipped with everything from nectar and ambrosia to duct tape, bandages and a panda pillow pet (don't ask). Luckily for Clint it also had the items necessary for the extraction of and stitching up of bullets and bullet wounds like the one Clint was sporting on his left shoulder.

"So why exactly am I stitching up an Avenger in my kitchen? Should you not have places to go to for that?"

"We do, but where else would I get to meet the Percy Jackson, Saviour of Olympus? Besides, I told you, we need your help. I'm sure Fury would have sent someone more qualified like Coulson, but I was closest, even if I was being chased by a hydra after escaping Hydra the organisation."

Percy just looked confused.

So that's a wrap! This is placed after the events of Winter Soldier and Thor the dark world but I'm not sure if I'll incorporate Thor. By the way I don't know if I'll put in age of ultron, we'll just have to see after the movie comes out. (Update: I am)

But Percy is 19 in case you skipped the above AN and Clint is a demigod which is how he knows of Percy, but this is the first time they are officially meeting. I really hope you like this so please give me some reviews so I know.

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