Chapter 10

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Hey so this is dedicated to Sammysegal3 for reviewing and motivating me to actually post on wattpad. Your awesome dude. (I don't care if your a chick or a dude. Your name suggests that you are of the male gender so imma call you dude. K?)
Seriously guys, makes me feel so much more welcome. Would it kill you to comment? But thanks to the people who voted. That was nice of you guys. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter. It deals way more with Bucky and Percy though so yeah.

Percy woke up to an uncomfortably wet pillow and the concerned eyes of his brother. He blinked, disoriented as he sat up.
"Scale of one to ten. How necessary was the water?" He snarked. His nightmare did not leave him in a good mood and he really didn't want to have the upcoming conversation.
"About 15. Kid, what the hell did they do to you out there?" Bucky asked, worried.
"Winter do you ever think we're too powerful?" Percy questioned quietly instead of answering. "I mean, what we can do, what we're capable of, does it ever scare you? It scares me."
"Sometimes, yeah. With great power comes great responsibility."
Percy shook his head. What he did to Gaea, Polybotes and others... what he was capable of... it terrified him. When Annabeth had died... he had been so angry, so filled with hate for Gaea... "I went to Tartarus. I'm not sure how long I was in there, sometimes it felt like weeks, months and sometimes mere minutes. It changed me. Hardened me. I've killed monsters yeah, but there was this goddess. The goddess of misery, Akhlys. She would have killed me and Annabeth but I made her choke on her own poison, I practically tortured her. During the war I did things I'm not proud of. Things I never want to do again but I know I will if my friends are hurt or threatened. And it scares me what I'm willing to do when it comes to my friends, just how far I'm willing to go."
Everyone had a dark side, was capable of doing so much harm and so much good, the only thing that mattered was the push that would take them to each side. Bucky had protected Percy when he was younger, helped him through so much, had seen so many different sides of him, but never this one. He had never seen him look as lost before as he was sitting on that bed.
Bucky didn't really do hugs, except for the "hey you thought I was dead or missing and I'm actually not so lets hug" but seeing Percy look so lost and afraid he leant over and hugged his little brother. "Kid we've all done things we're not proud of. And that fatal flaw? Most of Posiedon's kids have it. Protecting your friends, taking those that have hurt them and hurting them back? Its nothing that anyone should judge you for, nothing that I'll judge you for."
"At Camp they all me a hero. But the things I've done... I sure as Hades don't feel like one. When Leo died, I practically tortured Polybotes. And Gaea? I burnt her up from the inside. Ripped her apart as she did Annabeth and I didn't care when I was doing it. Even now, there's a part of me that thinks she deserved every second of that pain."
"There are no acts of heroism in war. Only acts of necessity. Some don't get that, but like I said, war changes all of us. What you did, what you had to do, that doesn't change who you are, doesn't change the fact that you'll pick good over evil every damn time if I know anything about you."
Percy managed a weak smile. "Rehearse that much?"
Winter smirked and reached over ruffling Percy's already messed up hair. "Smartass."

~line break~

The next week was spent acclimating the newbies (the twins and Percy) to the Avengers. "Acclimating" consisted of movie nights, getting to know each other and spending their days training with the other Avengers and Bucky.
Percy, Pietro and Wanda soon became inseparable. It was definitely helped by the fact that they were the newbies on the team. Bucky spent a lot of time catching up with Steve, although talking about what he went through at HYDRA'S hands was still an off-limits topic. The rest of his time was spent training Percy and the twins with Steve and Natasha.
Natasha was showing Wanda how to knock someone out in under a minute and Steve was busy with Pietro's physical training, I mean, the kid could run but his punches didn't have half the power they should. Body slams were cool but in the long run? Not the best idea. Bucky was showing Percy the true extent of his powers.
"Kid, you've barely even begun to understand your full potential as a son of Posiedon. Hell, even I don't know how much we're capable of. Manipulating water is only the brginning."
"Well, considering the fact that I've already blown up a volcano and created an earthquake, I have an idea of what I can do."
"Right, and which of those times were intentional? Percy you can create hurricanes, sure, but you've always had some kind of water body nearby.
"First off, water is an essential part of everything. I'm gonna assume you already know this considering the way you took down Gaea." Bucky concentrated for a second before disappearing and appearing behind an incredulous Percy. "The average human is about 65% water give or take. What I just did is called mist travel, using the water in the air to help me." He formed a small ball of water, froze it and threw it towards Percy. "Catch."
Percy caught it on reflex, looking confused. "So... you made this using the water in the air?"
Winter nodded. "Yes. Now you're gonna make one exactly like it. The first step is understanding that no matter where you are, there will always be water around you, with or without any actual source like a river. You just need to sense it."
If Winter was unimpressed by Percy's initial inability to sense water around him he didn't show it, patienty explaining it to Percy until he could.
Once Percy was able to manipulate water molecules in the air as if he was doing it with a physical source, Bucky began explaining his theory to him.
"So Posiedon is more than just the god of the seas, he is the Stormbringer, Earthshaker. There has to be more to him than just water manipulation right?"
"You know, you're the first of my children to figure that out." Came a voice from behind them. Both Bucky and Percy turned around to see Posiedon standing there as if he regularly crashed training sessions for fun.
"Athena owes me. She thought it would have taken far longer and herself explaining it for my 'kelp-brained children' to understand that they aren't just limited to water." Posiedon continued calmly, ignoring his sons' confusion at his sudden appearance.
"Well its not like there's an instruction manual that comes along with the demigod package." Bucky said before embracing his father. "Been a long time dad."
"Far too long" Posiedon agreed, glad to meet his son again after so long. "The sea is rejoicing at your return. Even Triton cracked a smile when he heard."
"And how is Uncle Hades explaining my reappearance?"
Posiedon laughed at that, his face breaking out in a huge grin as he recounted the way Hades had began a huge rant about underworld procedures and mix ups and incomplete funeral rites. By the time he brought up Sisyphus and Houdini Zeus figured it was useless and had to let the matter go. He didn't even notice the smug smile on Hades' face.
"And people wonder why I always want to be on his good side." Bucky said before turning to face Percy. "See I told you Uncle Hades was awesome."
Posiedon grinned before a serious expression crossed his face. "As amazing as Hades can be when you get on his good side, we have problems."
Both Percy and Bucky snapped to attention like the soldiers they were born to be. "What sort of problems? Greek or mortal?" Percy asked.
"Both. Prometheus is, unfortunately, not keeping his head down like he was supposed to after the second Titan War. He sees an opportunity in HYDRA. One he intends to exploit to his own purposes, of course."
Bucky cursed at HYDRA'S name. "HYDRA has a motto. More of a promise, really. Cut off one head and two more shall grow in its place. How powerful are they?"
Posiedon looked grave, "very considering their allies. May Lady Fortune be on our side for this one."
"Come on dad, if luck was on our side a lot of shit wouldn't have gone down. Besides, we make our own destiny." Percy said, his face determined. Smiling at his youngest's  optimism Posiedon left. He had stayed far too long already, he really didn't need Zeus (aka Olympus' biggest drama queen) after him for saying too much. Something about a need to know basis? The god of the seas couldn't care less about who his brother deemed as need to know and who he didn't.

~line break~

Tony was still working on ULTRON. He had enlisted Loki to help him and Bruce and so far the artificial intelligence seemed to be working as it was supposed to. Everything was going well, until it wasn't.
"All of you are puppets... tangled... in strings. There are no strings on me."

Aaaand that's a wrap people! I hope you enjoyed! See you next chapter and please comment. No seriousy, they make my day and motivate me like nothing else.

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