Chapter 5

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Percy wasn't sure what was in the plate in front of him but it looked, smelled and tasted awesome so he wasn't complaining. There were all kinds of meat and a ton of rabbit food. For those who don't know what rabbit food is, it's generally stuff like lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, you know, rabbit food. Think less cheeseburger with fries and more... Sam Winchester or teenage girl on a diet before prom.

"So," Steve began, "tell us a bit about yourself, Percy."

"Actually Cap, how about he tell you why he's here in the first place. After all, it concerns you more than anyone else." Clint interrupted looking at Percy.

Steve looked a bit confused before nodding at Percy to do so.

"Well I guess it really began when I was ten, but he entered my life way before that. That day he pretty stopped a gang beating me up, made sure I wasn't hurt too bad and left. He was always watching me from the shadows. He's the one that taught me how to hold my own in a fight. For the next two years he was the only constant in my life. The last time I saw him was when I was twelve."

Steve had gone still, his features tense as he choked out "who?", bracing himself for the answer.

"The Winter Soldier" Percy said quietly as he watched the room erupt into into chaos.

Natasha had stood up, her usually impassive face betraying the shock she felt. Steve just collapsed into his chair, his hand running through his hair. The dude introduced as Sam Wilson (Falcon) was shouting something.

Clint calmly lifted the air horn and once again pressed the button. It had almost the same effect as before only this time Tony didn't wait as long before revoking his privileges and Natasha took it from Barton and smacked him with it.

"Ow Nat! That was completely unnecessary!" Natasha just looked at him. "Anyway, could we please have some semblance of a normal conversation with Percy? I'm pretty sure he understood none of what just happened. So kid, how about you tell us what SHIELD needs you for besides your connection with Barnes?"

"Well that's the main reason. Fury didn't exactly recruit me just yet but he wants me to help track down the Soldier, so I guess I'm sort of a consultant."

"Hold on. The main reason? What else does Fury from you?" Natasha spoke up.

Percy looked up at that, his gaze meeting Natasha's. "There's a war coming sooner or later. Fury needs someone to turn the tide. I guess he decided that someone was me."

Most of the Avengers just stared at him. The only ones who didn't seem at all affected by the prospect of a war were the Norse deities for whom war was an everyday occurrence and a basic part of life.

The silence was really starting to bother Percy, and he really wanted to try out that air horn which Natasha had conveniently put on the table. It also didn't help that Loki pushed it closer to him.

Thirty seconds later...

"Kid not cool! You're just as bad as Birdbrain!"

"Steve can we please keep him? He would be perfect to help me prank Tony!"

"The next person to blow that horn will meet my widow's bites up close and personal." (Bruce reached for the horn)

"Guys I call it, we're keeping him."

It took about five minutes and Thor banging his hammer on the table before Steve could get his team to shut up.

"Ok but seriously guys, we are keeping him right?" Sam broke in once everyone shut up.

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