Chapter 11

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Hey so this chapter deals with the events of Age of Ultron and as you can guess I mess with some events. Meaning #Pietrolives. So considering my messing with cannon ways, since the avengers never went to Sokovia for how about Bucky retrieving it and giving it to them? Cos it's kinda important cos of Vision. Um this chapter is written in a slightly different style than my usual and I hope you guys aren't too annoyed by it. Oh and my cousin is now reading this which means you guys can probably expect reasonable updates because she will get on my case if I don't hurry up and write. This should be fun... The line breaks are because that is how this chapter was written.

Oh well read review and enjoy!

Hey guys, so sorry this isn't the new update you wanted but I felt I could do better with this chapter and edited it here and there. Hope you guys like the changes!

Percy brought yet another robot down crashing to the ground in the roarimg winds of his own personal little storm. The truth was, the reason they were here was, unsurprisingly, Tony.
As much as Percy wanted to hate Tony for Ultron, he truly couldn't find it within himself to blame the man. Not when he understood his reasoning so well. Not when he would, given the means, do the same. To protect his friends he would willingly give everything, do anything.
But seriously Tony? A robot that wanted to save the world by destroying it? Really Tony, really? Did the guy not watch movies? This literally happened in every single robot movie. Every. Single. One. And its not like they had Will Smith or Terminator to save the day in a nice little final battle scene.
Percy wondered though, as he stabbed the robot in front him and impaled a couple others sneaking up on him and Wanda with ice daggers if this counted as the climax scene. Probably.
After Ultron's appearance everything was going to Hell in a handbasket. JARVIS was... gone. Destroyed. His greatest creation, the closest thing he had to a best friend, was murdered. But Tony couldn't give up. Not when it was for Jarvis.
He had to admit, Thor choking him wasn't really expected. It took Loki, Steve and Percy to pull him off. Loki stood there looking disappointed and ready to yell at Thor once they got him to put Tony down. Ah, emotional blackmail, one of the most powerful yet underestimated weapons of all time.
Then there was Percy. After making sure that Tony was alright he turned to Thor, glaring, anger blazing in his eyes. Thor flinched. He had never flinched before, not even at anything concerning Loki. Tony did not want to be at the receiving end of that glare. Percy's death glare deluxe was freaking scary and he could see how this kid had gone through hell itself and come out still standing on the other side. Percy spoke in a deathly calm voice. "What were you thinking of just now Thor, when you were practically strangling Tony? Did you maybe hope that hurting him would get you answers? That he would 'cease his incessant ramblings' and miraculously fix this situation?" His voice grew hard as he stepped towards Thor, body tense with anger. "Because I for one do not see any point in us fighting each other. You know what I do see? Chaos and one hell of a lot of unwanted issues."
Thor had the good grace to look ashamed. His anger and battle lust had never been one of his strong points. It was what got him sent to Earth in the first place, his inability to control his anger and deal with situations properly.
Bruce's words from when the Avengers had been formed echoed through all those who had heard them. "What is this, a team? No. This is a chemical mixture that makes chaos." Words had never felt so appropriate. How could they be a team if they couldn't see past their differences, past their mistakes and just focus on the anger?
Percy, however, ignored Thor's guilty look and turned to Tony, his tone still pissed. "Ok, so far I've got you creating some sort of AI that was supposed to help people and Bruce and Loki helped you with it. Said AI, did not work the way he was supposed to and has now turned on you and is hellbent on saving the world by destroying it, destroying you, Tony, and appears to have killed JARVIS." Tony flinched at that and Percy sent him an apologetic look before continuing. "We have little to no idea what Ultron wants besides that or where he's heading. Is that all?" At Loki's nod he continued.
"Ok we're gonna need some damage control. Is there any way to track Ultron? Or even get some basic idea of where he's going? Bruce work on that. Tony, see if there's any way you can get JARVIS back online. Loki your sceptre was used to help make Ultron right? I think you guys were discussing how it gave off some sort of signature or something which was how Bruce and Tony tracked down the Tesseract. I know Ultron took it but can you replicate something like it to track down Ultron maybe? Or just track down the sceptre? Steve, the Tower's been compromised. Nat, Clint, we're gonna need some kind of a safehouse. Preferably one of which there is no computerised records. I figure you're the best people to ask." The Avengers just stared at Percy and the way he calmly dealt with the situation. Slowly they nodded and Clint said he might have a place.
Percy then looked towards Wanda, his voice softening as he spoke to her. "By any chance were you able to get a look inside his head? Anything at all that could help us?"
"He wanted a new body. I think he might be headed to the facility in Sokovia but that wasn't the only place he wanted to go. That felt more of a final destination. After all, that is where Winter found the sceptre and HYDRA had many rooms filled with many things that wouldn't have been destroyed by the bombs that Ultron could use." She replied.
Percy nodded. "So Sokovia is his main destination but he has some secondary destinations too? Ok we can work with that. Right?"
The others nodded, making a mental note not to mess with Percy when he's in leader mode.
Ultron was... an enigma. They didn't know what to make of him, his similarities to Tony. As they dealt with Ultron, the similarities between the two became painfully obvious. They thought and acted the same way. Hades, the snarky comments Ultron made were all Tony. And wasn't that ironic considering the fact that Ultron hated even the very mention of Tony?
They thanked whatever god there was out there that Tony was on their side because if he wasn't... well, Loki wouldn't have been the one to bring the Avengers together and what was known as the Battle of Manhatten probably would not have ended the way it did. That may have been the time the good guys didn't win.
Wanda was the first to call it to attention, the only one to point out what they all knew and what they all feared.
"Ultron doesn't know the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that from?"
At the tower Tony had managed to get Jarvis back online. Despite the fact that he had created Jarvis, the AI never ceased to surprise him with what he was capable of and today was no different. Tony had never been so thankful for that.
And never had he more reason to hate Ultron. Uploading Jarvis into Vision had been the only available option to him to take down Ultron. And it had cost him Jarvis. His best friend was most likely well and truly gone this time with maybe no way to bring him back. It was about damn time Ultron went down.
Racing to Sokovia as they all finally got their shit together and understood that the only way Ultron was going down was if they worked together. Because alone, they were amazing. Working together? They were unstoppable, invincible.
And along the way maybe they had forgotten that for a bit, forgotten that they worked best as a team. Maybe they forgot that it wasn't only the world they fought for, but for the people that mattered, for the people they cared about. And maybe they had forgotten that for a bit, but that was ok, because in the end they remembered. They remembered what they fought for, who they fought for. And that day, they kicked ass.
"How can you hope to stop me?"
Ultron, so ridiculously confident of his power, of the 'Earth's mightiest heroes' inability to work together, after all, how could he lose? Voice smug with a tinge of surprise at the 'heroes' before him still refusing to back down as he spoke. It was a rhetorical question of course, he was most assured of his victory, but Tony Stark was never one to keep his mouth shut.
With a sideways look at his companions, Tony spoke up. "Like the old man said, together."
Loki grinned as he was surrounded by drones. He wasn't called the god of mischief and chaos for nothing. Summoning a green ball of fire in his hand he figured it was time to remind them why Loki's name was regarded with apprehension and fear on each of the nine realms. After all, he had been raised an Odinson and it was time they remembered what he was capable of.
Wanda was terrified and it took Clint a second to realise that she was seventeen. She may have been experimented on by Hydra but she had never been in a war. She wasn't raised to fight, not like he was, not like demigods were.
He wasn't even sure what came tumbling out of his mouth, what he was saying besides telling Wanda that she wasn't the only one who was in over her head.
"But if you step out that door, you are an Avenger."
Clint kind of wanted to freak out a bit right about now. The city was freaking flying and Ultron had an army that never seemed to end. And he was just one guy with a bow and a bunch of arrows. Nothing made sense and he had to try and stop a seventeen year old from losing it. He really hated his job some days but he probably still wouldn't trade it in for a boring nine to five job. He had too much fun for that.
Ultron laughed. The so called Avengers were fighting, giving their all, he was sure. But it wouldn't be enough. Ironic as it may be, Stark's dream of a suit of armour covering the world would come true. Just not the way he wanted it to. "Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability? You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you are my meteor.  When the dust settles, the only thing living in this world, will be metal."
His laugh was cut off as a broken drone animated by red sparks was thrown at him and a sudden wave of water brought him down. On second thought taunting them may not have been the best way to go.
Percy and Wanda stayed by the big metal thingy in what used to be a church neither could be bothered to remember the name of when Tony was explaining.  Percy's brain had a couple of simple commands right now and none of them had anything to do with remembering the stupid thing's name. Protect. Attack. Defend. Repeat. That was all he knew. Ducking as Wanda used her telekineses to slam one bot into another, he sent water into another bot and froze it, tearing it apart.
Seeing Wanda about to be overwhelmed by about eight of the bots he acted instinctively, cutting through one with Riptide, impaling others on his ice daggers and encasing the remaining two in ice before using said ice to shatter them.
Wanda stood up, slightly shaken but alright considering the circumstances. "Thanks."
"No problem-" Percy was cut off as Wanda pushed him to the side and used her magic to imobilise the drone behind him before yanking its head off and whirling around to destroy another.
"Fight first talk later?" She offered. Percy nodded once before calling up a small huricane.
Steve had never been more grateful to hear Fury's voice over the comms. He may not completely trust the man, but as many problems as Fury dished out to them, he also came equipped with a few miracles. At least now they had a chance to save the people on this flying monstrosity of an island. He could hear the relief in the other's voices as he relayed the news to them and called on Bucky and Loki to evacuate the place.
Pietro liked Clint. He was fun and could lighten the very sombre mood that had been hanging over the Avengers since the first appearance of Ultron. He also had two kids so Pietro wasn't very surprised when he ran to help the small boy who was trapped and calling for his mother. Most of the Avengers were split up all over the island making their way to the hellicarrier, with the exception of Thor and Tony who were in place to blow this place as soon as they could and Percy and Wanda who were almost there and in sight.
The only problem was that Ultron was shooting at Clint, and he was the only one who could possibly get to him in time. Did he mention Ultron was shooting like a mad man and him getting hit was more than just a possibilty?
He took off in Clint's direction, running faster than he had before. He barely registered Percy breaking into a run.
He crashed into Clint, moving him and the kid behind an upturned car before collapsing on the road.
"Bet you didn't see that coming." He gasped out, waiting for the pain to hit because there was no way he wasn't hit by one of Ultron's bullets.
Clint motioned behind Pietro. "Bet you didn't see that coming." There was a wall of ice covering them and they could just see the fingers of a large watery hand pull Ultron out of the sky.
Moving to the front of the giant ice wall they could see Percy slamming a frozen Ultron around, his face angry. Evidently he didn't like when Ultron messed with his friends.
Percy walked into Tony's lab to see him sitting down next to one of his cars, his head in his hands. It took some time before he registered that the car was the Bentley they had worked on together almost two weeks ago. 
"It hurts doesn't it?" He asked, seeing the broken look on Tony's face.
"What, losing my best friend? Losing one of the closest things I had to a brother because of something I created? Damn straight it does. Ultron was my fault, I know that. I know the kind of destruction he's caused, how many people died because I created a fucking murder bot that may have well come out of Terminator."
Percy looked at the broken man in front of him. He had pretty much lost the most out of all of them but that was apparently canceled by the fact that he had created his own version of Skynet.
"Why did you create Ultron?" Percy asked quietly. "I know you said it's because you're tired of the fight, but that's not entirely true, is it? I may have only known you a couple weeks but you're not the kind of person who would ever leave the fight out of choice. You're the kind who would fight to the end just because you can. Because anything is better than standing and watching the people who matter most to you die when you could have prevented it."
Tony gave a bitter laugh. "And that's what got us into this situation in the first place. Because there is no way I'll let those I care about get hurt even if I have to build a hundred suits. And look how well that turned out. I took a fricken nuke into space and almost died looking at the most beautiful and terrifying thing I have ever seen. Nothing has made me feel so insignificant, so powerless. Nothing.
And believe me Jackson when I say I've seen a lot.
"In a world this vulnerable, we need something more powerful than any of us. Because what happens when we're not enough? When the world goes to shit because we aren't powerful enough to defend it, when we can't save the ones that matter?"
Percy looked at Tony, no pity in his gaze, just understanding as he got up from the work bench he had been sitting on and walked to the door. Before leaving he turned around to face the man who was quickly taking the place of a father figure to him in this new broken family of his. "The people we love will always get hurt. Our burden is that we're unable to prevent it and that's what hurts. The fact that we weren't strong enough. But sometimes all we can do is brave the storm and hold the ones we love close especially when we can't stop the storm itself."

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