Chapter 18

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Hey guys. So this is my last chapter. It's been a pretty long journey, I've given you a few heart attacks on the way, and you guys still suck at commenting. Anyway, hopefully I've covered all the important angles. As far as last chapters go, I've enjoyed this one. I hope you guys do too.

Pietro awoke to light blue walls which looked suspiciously like the Avengers infirmary. Yeah, he was pretty sure he was in the wrong place. That, or this was some kind of hallucination. Right? Somehow, he wasn't too sure.
He groaned, attempting to get up when he saw a flash of red and suddenly his sister was hugging him and crying.
"Don't you ever dare do that to me again." She said between sobs.
He brought his arms up around her, hugging her just as fiercely as she was him. "Dying isn't really on my list of priorities, to be honest-" was all he managed to get out before pain erupted in his abdomen and he gasped from the sheer intensity of it.
"Shit. Wanda you might wanna let him go for a bit, he still has a lot to heal." Clint's voice came from somewhere on his left. The black spots in his vision made it kinda hard to tell.
He shook his head to clear it a little and figured it was ok if he could make out the red of his sister's hair. Kind of. Unfortunately a hand on his shoulder stopped him from simply swinging his legs off the bed and (attempting) to leave.
"Yeah, not gonna happen anytime soon kid," and there was the over protective fatherish figure that Bucky was. Dammit, he hated being stuck in bed.
"Personally, I think being stuck in bed is better than being dead, but that's probably just my survival instincts talking." Percy drawled from the doorway he was leaning against. Crap, did he say that out loud? Either that, or his friend was a mind reader. Seeing the expression on his face, Percy laughed. "Not a mind reader, I'll leave that to your sister, you said that out loud."
Pietro accepted that with a nod of his head. However, that still left the question of how he was in this bed instead of in the underworld somewhere. When he asked as much, he was surprised to see Percy duck his head down as if embarrassed. Bucky even gave a dry chuckle without much humor in it.
"Remember how as Posiedon's kids our fatal flaw is personal loyalty? Well, they learnt what happens when you hurt one of our friends." Bucky said. It still didn't answer his question, but he was beginning to think maybe he didn't want it to be answered.
"You know how we agreed the Hulk has anger management issues? Well, they don't have anything on Percy's when he gets pissed." Clint continued. That was all well and good and he had already figured as much out within a week of knowing the demigod. Pietro still required a proper explanation and he really wasn't getting one.
"I eliminated the agents and healed you using the water in the air and the water already in your body." Percy answered quietly. Yeah, he definitely didn't want to know how they had been 'eliminated' did he? Percy raised his head and, ok, that hadn't been embarrassment earlier. Was that... fear? 
"What happened?" The two words were spoken with deliberate slowness, he refused to accept any more avoidance or cryptic answers.
"I eliminated those identified as enemies... by evaporating their blood. And I did it subconsciously, without a thought."
Pietro gaped at him. Whatever he was expecting, it certainly wasn't that. Wow. He knew his friend was powerful, just not that powerful. And yeah, that was definitely fear in his eyes. What, did he think he would treat him any differently? That was ridiculous.
"Yeah, I didn't see that coming. Remind me not to get in your bad side." When in doubt, go for bad jokes. He figured Stark's method was good for something after Percy visibly relaxed. Speaking of, "where is Tony? And Bruce?"
"Tony is handling the press and Director Fury with Cap and Bruce is there to stop him from destroying something, which, with Tony, is always a legitimate concern." Percy replied, even cracking a smile, which Pietro counted as a win. Pity though, it was always fun to watch Tony blow something up, especially if it was a SHIELD building. Jarvis would make sure to record it and played it quite happily for them. It was always awesome.
~line break~
Camp Half-blood was in the process of being rebuilt by the time Percy returned. The Hades cabin was as cool as ever, along with Posiedon's. Ares' looked exactly as he remembered it, if a little less angry and bloody. Oh, it still looked as if they had punched the paint in, but it was less pointless anger and more "I will pulverise you for being a douchebag not just because you're annoying me." Hermes' cabin was as welcoming as ever, they had somehow managed to preserve its homely, well worn, comforting state. Yep, still a refugee for travelers and wayfarers.
They had lost about fifteen campers in total, fifteen too many in everyone's opinion. The Hephaestus' cabin made sure that the flames of the funeral pyre reached the skies. It was as much of a tribute as they could give to their fallen friends.
The children of the big three stood by the smouldering remains of the pyre long after everyone else had left. The original, and the last of the big three's children. The ones forced to live through three wars. Even as they would go their separate ways, they would still be bound by their shared blood and experiences. By the fact that beyond living through, barely surviving at times, three wars, they were as close as siblings, would always be in fact. Times would pass, one would return to a certain tower in New York, another would take his place by his father's side as lieutenant and the third would retake her place amongst the hunters. Yet, they would keep in touch over the years. Meet up and retell old stories, reminisce about times past, and train a new generation of demigods when the time came. Their story would be one told at campfires for years to come, a story that would pay tribute to the lost, the fallen and the betrayed. A story of heroes and traitors, gods and titans. A story for the ages, of heroes who wanted nothing more than to live, but saved the world from its own mistakes because someone had to.
~line break~
Pietro was up and running within a week, his advanced healing kicking in. SHIELD was 90% sure that HYDRA was taken down. After all, even they couldn't track down all of HYDRA's offshoots. It had its tentacles in far too many things for that. Considering the fact that this was completely expected, none at the Avenger's tower experienced anything remotely resembling surprise. Tony had Jarvis start up a new hack to attempt to track them down, but it would take a while.
In the meantime, they just relaxed in front of the tv while Jarvis played Big Bang Theory reruns. There would be time for dealing with HYDRA and the Council later. Both of the councils. Because evil and the watchdogs could come knocking at their doors another day. Right now? Right now they were going to simply be. Simply take a breath, and let it go while enjoying a good tv show and eating popcorn knowing they were home where they belonged.
After all, what else is family for?

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