Chapter 7

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This first bit is kinda Bucky POV. And a directish continuation of where they were in the previous chapter.

Bucky looked at the two in front of him. Clearly hardened by loss, they had taken the only available option to them in their need for revenge- joining HYDRA. Thank the gods he had gotten to them in time before they did something irreversibly stupid and end up destroying half the world because of their mistakes. Making them understand the true face of HYDRA was the easy bit. They had clear proof of it even if they chose to ignore it. The hard part- "do you believe in a higher power?"

"God doesn't exist. If He did, or even if He cared, none of this would have happened and our parents would still be alive!" Pietro said heatedly.

Ah, excellent. He was dealing with atheists. Bucky wasn't sure if that made his job easier or harder. Sometimes he really hated the fates. "That's another subject entirely. I mean, come on, literally there are two gods on the Avengers. What did you think they were? British? Yeah, no."

"And why would gods concern themselves with pitiful mortals? Do they not have anything better to do?" Wanda said scornfully.

"Apparently not. Point is, there are other deities out there. Believe me, I should know."

"And why should you of all people know?"

"Because one of them is my father." Bucky said as he raised the ice around them, encasing them in a torrent of ice and water.

Oh the the look of shock on their faces was priceless. Wanda reached out, her fingers lightly dancing along the wall of ice as she stared around them in disbelief and wonder, trying, and failing, to manipulate the ice around them in even the slightest way. Pietro took a more defensive stance in front of his sister. Well, at least one of them had some form of self preservation skills.

"What kind of magic is this?" Wanda asked, finally tearing her eyes away from the ice surrounding them.

"Not any kind you're familiar with. HYDRA may have given you your powers or enhanced what you already had, but I was born with mine. My father is the Greek god Posiedon. HYDRA is a threat to those I've deemed family."

"So you want us to help you take down HYDRA." Pietro finished for him.

"What better way than to use their own assets against them?"

~line break~

"Woah." Percy took one look at the armory in the Tower and almost fangirled. Ok who was he kidding? He totally fangirled... Just a bit. It was stocked with practically every weapon known to man and then some, ranging from bows to daggers and swords to guns. There were even gauntlets and vambraces with hidden daggers that were clearly of Asgardian make. He so wanted a pair. Stopping in front of a very familiar gun... "Shit is that-"

"Hey don't look at me it's Stark's obsession." Clint said, holding his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"He even got the engravings right down to the last detail!"

"I'd let you try it out, but even I've heard of your terrible aim."

"Actually, about that... You of all people should know it's takes as much skill to miss by the amount I was as it does to hit. As someone who's spent a lot of time with a daughter of Athena, I can tell you that statistics suggest that I should have hit the target at least once. I am terrible with a bow, I'll give you that. Guns... Well I have to have some cards the other players don't know about." Percy said with a grin as he picked up the Colt, leaving Clint spluttering behind him. "Seriously, Sam and Steve will be ready to go soon and I wanna try this baby out."

Clint finally stopped gaping at Percy but clearly it would take him just a little bit longer before he lost the surprised look on his face. "Since when can you use a gun? Shouldn't someone at camp have noticed?"

"Since I was twelve. Before Camp. Now where can I test out this gorgeous thing?"

"In the field. Clint we're running late and we need you piloting the Quinjet." Steve said as he walked in. "Suit up Jackson."

Grabbing some ammunition for the Colt and giving a longing look at the Asgardian armour, he pulled out a ballpoint pen from his pocket and twirled it around his fingers. "I'm ready."

~line break~

Tony was sitting in the lab he shared with Bruce. Currently they were working on a form of bio-engineering until JARVIS spoke in his usual calm voice.

"Sir the algorithm is complete and being accepted."

Bruce looked up at that. "Algorithm?"

Tony's voice betrayed his excitement and disbelief. "A suit of armour around the world. A defense for when we can't protect it."


So yeah. That happened. Also Tony was continuously working on the Ultron project and he did it without using the sceptre but with Loki's help and Bruce already had some basic idea of Ultron.

I swear I have nothing against religion. I am a Muslim and proud, I just feel as if the twins would probably be atheists considering their life. Also no offence to British people, I just read an all human AU sometime back and Thor was like either Australian or British.

Also the way Percy referred to Annabeth in this chapter is because a) giant war took a year and then it's been a year since then so he should have some time to have healed a bit from her death enough to talk about her at least. Also I don't know anything about science. We go by the British schooling system where I live and I dropped science as soon as I could so I don't know anything besides the basics.

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