Chapter 17

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Wow, this might just be my longest chapter yet. I'm planning on just one more to wrap it up after this and then declaring this thing complete. Btw, I'm sorry for anything that may happen to your feels.

White hot pain spread from the wound. He gasped, taking a step back, as he pressed a hand to his sternum where blood was already staining his shirt a dark red, before falling to his knees. Damn, he never thought it would hurt so much. He may not have shown it before, but being so used to living a life where he could die any day, he didn't fear death. Leaving behind his loved ones, that's what he feared.
"Till the end of the line." He murmured. His borrowed time was finally up and there really wasn't anything he could do about it. It doesn't matter though, Pietro thought as he finally closed his eyes after meeting panicked sea green ones. He knew his brother in all but blood would make sure they were fine. After all, that is what Percy specialised in. It's on you now brother he thought as he slipped away.

~line break~

We should probably begin with the fact that Percy was not having a good day. Prometheus had sent monsters to attack the camp and had used Dedalus' maze to do so. Apparently, there were two or three entrances in and near camp. It was not the best way to start the morning but it wasn't exactly like they had a choice in the matter. Percy sighed as he picked up his sword. It was going to be a long day.

~line break~

Hydra had bombed the White House. The X-men managed to get the president out in time by some miracle, right before Xavier contacted Fury and told him there was a missile headed straight for the Empire State Building.
Two separate lighting bolts obliterated the missile before it came within 20 miles of New York. Only one of them was courtesy of Mjolnir. It was probably the first and last time both thunder gods worked together.
They couldn't stop the nuke that was directed to a certain DOA recording studios, which technically didn't exist, in LA.
And the WSC just looked on in horror, along with the rest of the world, as the death toll increased.

~line break~

SHIELD reached out to Magneto and his brotherhood for help, only to be refused. They persisted, and as a result, Charles Xavier was in the middle of negotiations with him. He would be essential to stopping, or at least containing the bombs HYDRA seemed so fond of.

HYDRA operatives also infiltrated SHIELD buildings all over the world, some managing to hold their own, others were not as lucky. And the death toll simply. Kept. On. Rising.

~line break~

It had been three days and the Avengers were exhausted. Three days without sleep and very little results. Not to mention the fact that they were down two members. Ever since Bucky and Percy left for Camp Half-blood it had been as if they were missing something. They weren't sure why Clint hadn't gone with them, but they were glad for it. They needed their archer. They hadn't realised that that may have been why he hadn't gone. After all, family didn't end with blood and Clint's family needed him more.
And the days kept passing as they went from New York to London to Rio, Venice to Athens to Turkey, Africa to China and then Paris. Whenever and wherever a situation arose, they would be there, trying desperately to contain the damage. And slowly, so slowly, the tide began to turn. The attacks slowed down. Not by much, but it was enough to allow them some hope.
Lady Fortuna, however, seem disinclined to let them hold onto hope for too long. Natasha fractured her wrist in Athens and Sam (Falcon) broke a wing on a detour to Cape Town. Luckily, Bruce and Tony could work with little equipment, despite Bruce's insistence that he wasn't a medical doctor. Natasha's wrist was on the mend and Sam's wing fixed as well as it could be, all things considering.
Finally, after two weeks and a death count so high they had stopped counting, Jarvis had a break through. He managed to hack into HYDRA's system and find out where their headquarters were located. Alaska. The land beyond the gods. It was probably time to pick up a certain two missing members.

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