Chapter 6

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This chapter will have some spoilers for Age of Ultron but in the second half. I will be putting in some events of the movie and will be messing with it a lot. So yeah. Also I feel like I put in a lot of dialogues so sorry about that. By the way, have you ever noticed how alike Percy and Tony are? So I guess I'm gonna be having a fatherlyish Tony and I hope you like it. Oh and the car mentioned is actually seriously gorgeous.

After dropping Percy off in his room (read floor), the Avengers all went their separate ways. Tony went to his lab and immersed himself in his cars. His Bentley was in need of some serious work. The 1954 Bentley Continental was a beauty but seriously high maintenance. Instructing JARVIS to start up one of his playlists, he was soon lost in his world of metal and engines. Until ACDC's 'Shoot to thrill' was cut off right in the middle of the song.

On instinct he turned and threw the wrench in his hand at the source of the disturbance. Percy ducked, narrowly missing the projectile.

"Do you normally throw wrenches at people who enter your lab? Or is it just when they turn off your music?" He drawled, a smirk on his face.

"Kid, first rule of my lab, unless it's life threatening, no one turns off the music. Also JARVIS, why the Hell was I not informed that Percy came in?"

"With all due respect Sir, when I informed you, you were working on the Bentley's engine and said you 'couldn't be bothered with minor details.'"

"Of course that happened. So kid, what's up?"

"The sky." Percy replied automatically.

"Thank you Captain Obvious. You know what I mean."

"Yeah... I just wanted to say thank you for earlier." Percy said, running his hand through his hair. Upon seeing Tony's confused expression he sighed. He really didn't like talking about his flashbacks but after that afternoon he figured he owed Tony at least that much. "When you brought me out of my flashback." He clarified.

"Yeah, no biggie" Tony said easily, as if he dealt with traumatised teenagers every other day of the week.

"It was to me. Nothing, and I mean nothing has been able to bring me out of a flashback that quickly or easily. I mean, they've lessened considerably since before, but when they do happen..."

"It's not pretty?" Tony finished for him, an understanding look on his face.

"Yeah, you could say that. It's just... I can be trapped in one for 15-20 minutes, sometimes even longer. You brought me out of a really bad one in less than five."

"Let's just say that you're not the only one on the team with issues. Hell, I'm practically the walking example of issues." Tony said, a self deprecating smile on his face. Percy looked at Tony surprised. After all, Tony was supposed to be the most self assured one on the team, the most unbreakable. Seeing his questioning look, Tony continued.

"I knew how to deal with your flashback because I have them too. Everyone on the team has scars, whether they admit to them or not. Steve is a WW2 veteran who saw his best friend die in front of him while trying to save him before he was frozen and woke up in a time not his own. Natasha has her own past which is not to be talked of because I like my throat as it is, not slit. Bruce has trust issues and self worth issues and even Clint has his own past. Me? I have flashbacks and PTSD and trust issues that run deeper than Bruce's and Fury's put together and drown my pain in alcohol. We are all broken here. And we protect our own."

Percy nodded, not saying anything, because really? What could you say to that?

"Ok enough with the chick flick moment. I refuse to allow my life to become a sappy movie. Wilson's got a lead on the Soldier and is taking Cap along too. I assume Feathers is taking you as well?"

Percy blinked at the sudden change in topic before nodding. "Yeah. Winter was sighted in a little country in Eastern Europe called... Sokovia? We're heading out in the morning."

"I'd wish you luck but I don't believe in chance."

"Better hope Lady Fortuna doesn't hear you. Pissing off gods doesn't always give good results as much fun as it is."

"Pissing off gods is my favourite hobby. First time I met Thor he blasted me with lightning and Loki threw me out a window. Good times. My Bentley, however, needs my full attention right now so either make yourself useful or go bother someone else."

"I always did love cars" Percy said with a grin as he picked up the wrench lying on the floor behind him.

~line break~

SPOILERS FOR AGE OF ULTRON. WHETHER THEY ARE MINOR OR MAJOR (NOT REALLY ALL THAT MAJOR) THEY ARE THERE. Ok you have been warned. I've done my job. Carry on. Btw this is more centering around the Maximoff Twins.

Sokovia, outside a demolished HYDRA facility.

The Soldier had heard of the Twins. Of HYDRA's miracles. They were the only ones who seemed even slightly wary of HYDRA and its motives. So even as he buried 5 bullets into Strucker alone and killed everyone else in the facility, he made sure not to hurt them as he broke the glass of the containers they were in and led them outside.

"You are HYDRA... I do not understand. Why destroy the ones who created you? The ones who would give you purpose?" Wanda asked as she caught sight of the prominent red star on his arm glinting in the morning light.

"And why kill everyone but us?" Pietro continued, his voice suspicious.

"I was HYDRA, yes. I carried out their missions as and when I was required to. But I have a new mission now. You are the Twins, yes? My handlers mentioned you. The 'miracles' of HYDRA."

"You are not the only one who has a mission. HYDRA would have helped us accomplish ours." Pietro said, his face full of anger at the one who took away their only chance at revenge.

"Yes, destroy Tony Stark and take down the Avengers, although the second was more HYDRA's than yours. All of them have their own places on HYDRA's list, Stark being a major player against them will be taken down slowly and with great care. Not the way you mean to do so, painfully, yet quickly compared to HYDRA. Stark does not deserve your hatred, he isn't the one who fired the missile. And I can't let you destroy the Avengers."

"You are HYDRA! What loyalty do you owe them?" Wanda burst out.

"I was HYDRA. I was their pet, their asset. A tool for them to use to kill those who would protect the world instead of enslave it like HYDRA plans to. I was like you. HYDRA cares for nothing but the mission and will give anything to achieve it. They would turn you on each other if they thought it would bring them one step closer to their goal."

"And how do we know we can trust you?" Pietro asked, unwilling to trust the Soldier.

"You don't. Your sister, however, can."

Wanda nodded at her brother. If what the Soldier said was true, and he certainly believed it, then very clearly HYDRA were the true monsters and she wanted nothing to do with an organisation that would turn her against her brother. Pietro turned to the Soldier. "Alright then, what do you want us for?"

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