Chapter 14

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Hey guys! So sorry for the late update but I've had a bit of writer's block and a busy few days. My friend got me to join a MUN with her and it was so exhausting! But a lot of fun too. My chair (the head dude in charge of the committee) literally had hair like Wolverine! He (and his hair) was awesome!! And I had to debate with the vice president of the entire committee!! Now THAT was scary. Especially since I didn't have half my research. So yeah.
Oh and on a reviewer said that my title is from this song "Heroes" by Mika. Obviously, I listened to the song. It was amazing!! I personally could relate to it because I am from a country where terrorism is a problem and I recently saw a boy my age who was a victim of a major attack stand up in front of a crowd (that I was in) and say that he was going to join the army to fight against these terrorists and, you know, greatly affected by it.
Anyway, since I have mostly been stuffing pep talks and serious shit in my chapters, here is a chapter full of stupid shit (in my language "bakwaas" meaning rubish) and I hope you enjoy! Oh and I also try to get a move on with the Percy/Wanda thing I'm trying to go for. Btw there is a time skip between the first part of the chapter and the rest. Just a couple of days.

Percy was woken up at 3 in the morning by three things. The first was what sounded like arrowheads being thrown at his window. The second was Jarvis' slightly apologetic voice. The third was Loki shouting.
"Get in loser. We're going shopping."
Stumbling to the window, he rubbed his eyes in slight disbelief. "Did you just quote mean girls at me?"
Loki nodded. "Yes I did. Now hurry up!"
He was sitting with Clint and Tony in what appeared to be a flying car. "Why are you guys in a flying car at 3am? Last I checked, this is not Harry Potter."
Tony snorted. "Please. My dad nearly had this shit figured out in the 40s. I'm pretty sure I have it perfected by now."
"And if he hasn't, I have magic. You know, now that I think about it, magic is pretty awesome. And since I have magic that totally means I'm awesome." Loki said, his voice slightly slurred.
"Not so awesome when its used to make you a mindless drone Loki." Clint said. He sounded alright, but his eyes were glazed.
"I said I was sorry!" Loki pouted.
"Doesn't matter." Clint pretended to shoot an arrow at Loki. "Caw caw motherfucker."
"Ladies, you're both pretty. Now shut up and let me show you the world." That was Tony who made hand gestures to accompany his statement. Yep. They were all drunk. Natasha and Pepper were gonna kill them and him by association. Oh holyneptuneandplutoandjupiterwhyamIthinkinginromanI'magreek!
Was he panicking? No he was not. Ok, maybe he was panicking a little. Could you blame him? Tasha and Pepper were scary and he had already pissed off Natasha by accidently taking the last bowl of cereal. He had made her blue pancakes as an apolgy but he knew she was waiting for the right moment to take revenge.
"Come on kid, we don't have all night!"
Screw it. He was dead either way so why not? He had Jarvis open the window and got into the car. When they reached Pietro's room he was the one to wake him up.
They ended up in Malibu on the beach putting on a show for the kids about two days later. They even got to go shopping like he was promised.
The women of the tower were pissed for days. Loki still says it was worth it. The others agree.


Pietro stuck his head inside Percy's room. He had been looking for his friend for close to half an hour before thinking of checking his room. What, he could forget that Percy had a room, its not like the guy spent much time in there anyway.
"Dude Barton's taking us to the range. He feels that we are 'sorely lacking in our training' and says he wants to see you use a gun."
"What, he doesn't think I can?"
Pietro shrugged. "Knowing him? I'm pretty sure he even bet on it. Come on he promised us burgers."
Who was Percy to turn down a good old fashioned cheeseburger?


Clint was already at the range with Wanda, showing her how to assemble and dissasemble a Desert eagle. She gave Percy a small smile as she slid the magazine into the gun. Ok, Percy wasn't as dumb as people would like to believe. He figured Wanda liked him and he kinda liked her too. He just had no idea where the hell this was going.
They had been dancing around each other for a few weeks now and he was sure the others had caught on. Natasha always payed special attention to the both of them when they were together. That in itself was a cause of worry. They were this close to being locked in a room together and he could feel it.
He guessed Natasha would see it as payback for the time the three of them (with Tony's help) locked her in a room with Bruce. What? It was getting ridiculous and did they look like the patient types?
Anyway, Clint had pushed a Colt Talo into his hands and directed him to the target. This would be fun, especially considering how much he could mess with Clint.
He checked the magazine, he had eight shots. Perfect. He aimed and fired four different times, each bullet landing way outside the target.
"Come on Jackson, is that the best you can do?" Clint asked, a smirk on his face. Percy grinned, not saying anything. His next four shots were right in the centre of the targets. He turned to Wanda and Pietro, ignoring Clint's slack jawed expression. "You know, I think that might be the best I can do. What do you guys think?"
Wanda grinned.
"That I can probably beat that with my telekinesis."
"Oh you are so on."
"Prepare to get owned Jackson."
Wanda was off by a millimeter. Percy silently swore never to piss her off and Pietro backed him up on that idea. Clint was still staring in amazment.


Ok, Pietro may not be a genius, nor did he have eyes like Clint, but he could definitely see that his little sister and best friend liked each other. What, its not like they were doing anything to hide that particular fact. Percy would have a huge smile on his face whenever Wanda came into the room and his sister would be happier whenever Percy was with them. She seemed to forget that her telepathic bond with him could also be a two way street. It also helped that he knew her better than anyone else did.
Anyway, this put him in a pretty awkward situation. He couldn't think of anyone else he would like better for his little sister, but seriously? Percy its called the bro code. Look it up!
But still, even before Hydra, he wouldn't, couldn't trust anyone with his baby sister. He knew he could trust Percy.


Chiron looked at the ruins of the Big Three cabins and sighed. Things never could remain calm could they? He had hoped for some more time before another attack. Could the fates never look upon them favorably? And the one person who would be looked to for leadership honestly did not deserve this. Not after everything he had been through. And yet, they needed their hero. Turning around, he made his way to the big house. He had a call to make. The attack had begun.

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