Chapter One

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Waking up at 7am, I glanced at the morning sky. The sun was blaring through my curtains, sending a warm glow into my room. As I lifted myself from the bed, I placed my feet on the hard wood floor and treaded into the bathroom, ready for my morning shower.

Turning on the water, I made sure I had my towel ready and waited for the water to heat up before stepping into the refreshing mist. Enjoying the warmth, I slowly washed myself before turning off the water and wrapping the towel around myself.

After drying myself off, I selected my clothes for the day. I chose a pair of baggy, blue, ripped jeans and a (y/f/c) t-shirt seeing as it was supposed to be quite warm today. After getting dressed, I brushed my hair and styled it how I wanted before heading to my kitchen to have my breakfast.

Grabbing a bowl, I poured myself some cereal and sat down at my table. Whilst eating, I scrolled through Instagram on my phone. Seeing all my friends enjoy their lives made me happy. As I glanced up at the clock, I realised that I had to leave right now or I was going to be late to my first day on set.

As I rushed to grab my bag, I also grabbed all of my essentials; my keys, my phone, a snack and a bottle of water. Once I was ready, I hastily left my house and rushed to my car.

Once on the main streets, I sped up my car in order to ensure I didn't arrive too late. As I sped into the parking lot to the set, I noticed that there seemed to be a lot of cars here, I was really hoping I wasn't the last one there.

Once out of my car, I sped into the building and heard lots of chatter from all over the main room. Glancing around, I noticed that I didn't recognise any of the faces. As I looked in a corner, I saw the one face I really wish I hadn't.

Jamie Campbell Bower.

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