Smut(not linked to the story)

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I'm bored, here's some smut

Me and Jamie have been friends since we were teens. At the age of 14, I met this gorgeous blonde boy and I've honestly had a crush on him ever since.

"Hey darling" he teases as he sits next to me on the couch. Turning red, I force a laugh and respond "Hi Jamie". He places his arm around me and focuses on the TV in front of us. I, however, couldn't focus on anything other than the hand that sat behind my head which was attached the the beautiful man who I was blessed to be friends with.

"You alright love" he turns to face me and I nod swiftly, avoiding eye contact. "(Y/n), look at me" he commands in a gentle tone. I gazed into his blue eyes and feel a wave of heat wash over me. Concern floods his face as he sees how red I've become. "Are you ill?" He questions. "No, no, I'm fine. Just a bit warm is all" I assure him. He nods.

After a while, I rest my head on Jamie's shoulder and he smiles. "Are you tired?" I nod weakly. All of a sudden, I feel arms wrap around my body and I'm being picked up. "Don't worry dear maiden! I shall return you to your place of rest and allow you to slumber" he jokes as he begins to walk at an uncomfortably quick pace. "Jamie, slow down" I squeal as he nearly drops me whilst dashing up the stairs. "Nearly there, Princess, you're in safe hands"

Arriving in my room, Jamie sets me down and goes to move away but I grab his wrist before he can. "Stay?" He nods and sits next to me. "Its fucking warm in here" he comments "sorry, it always is. The window is already open" "it's fine, love". He begins to remove his shirt and I cant help but stare. "You like the view, princess?"

We sit in comfortable silence before the heat gets too much for me and I pull my t-shirt over my head. Jamie stares in awe causing me to go red, once again. "Like the view, princess?" I mock him in a stupid voice. "Actually, darling, I do" he replies. Jamie's laugh echoes around my room as he reacts to how red I had become over his comment.

A strong hand is placed on my thigh as Jamie turns slightly. "Darling" he sighs. I turn to look at him and he places his free hand on my cheek. "(Y/n), you are so fucking pretty. Darling, would you let me kiss you?" I nod frantically and he doesn't wait a second before quickly attaching his lips to my own. The kiss is needy but soft, as if he'd been waiting for this for so long but was scared I would shatter if he was too rough.

The hand on my thigh moves further up. As his fingers brush against my sensitive skin, I let out a light moan. Jamie laughs against the kiss, taking advantage of my open mouth and moves both of his hands to be placed underneath my thighs. He gently pulls me onto his lap, never breaking the kiss as he does so.

I feel his erection against my leg as he places his right hand in my hair and his left hand on my waist. Slowly, I began to grind against him, the friction making him groan. Breaking the kiss, he spoke softly "stop teasing, love" I chuckle and begin to move faster. He quickly grips my waist with both hands in an attempt to stop me but I continue grinding.

Jamie quickly flips us over so he is now pinning me down. "You want to tease me so bad, princess? Just know that your actions have consequences". With that, we both began to strip off our clothes. He pinned me roughly to the bed with one hand as he began to kiss along my jaw and down my neck, occasionally biting down causing loud moans to escape my mouth.

"Be quiet, darling, people might hear you" he taunts, gazing up at me. Jamie continues to kiss down my body until he reaches my stomach where he comes back up and roughly kisses my lips. "Are you sure?" He quizzes, momentarily returning to his normal, sweet self. I nod eagerly.

Moments later, the sounds of low grunts and moans was heard. The accompanying sound of skin hitting skin seemed to echo around the room. "Fuck, Jamie" I moan, tangling my hands in his hair as he fucks me "faster". He complies and begins thrusting into me faster and harder than before. My moans also increase in volume as he fucks me senseless.

I begin to feel a knot in my stomach and my legs become weak. "Not yet, darling, wait for me" he groans as he creates a large hickey on my neck. Soon enough, his thrusts begin to slow down and become stiffer but they never lose their rhythm. "Fuck, oh my god (y/n)" he gazes into my eyes as we continue to moan loudly.

Soon enough, he halts his thrusting and uses his elbows to support himself as he moans louder that before. At the same time, a feeling of pure bliss and euphoria washes over me. He slowly pulls out and places a gentle kiss to my lips. "I love you, princess" he whispers as he collapses besides me.

"I love you Jamie"

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