Chapter Seven

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As I arrive at Jamie's house, he steps out and says a quick thank you before running into his house. "See, wasn't that bad" Mia says despite the knowledge that the tension in the car had been so thick mere moments before.

I begin driving away from his house and turn on the radio.  (Y/f/s) starts playing and I immediately start singing along loudly, as does Mia. The drive back home takes far longer than I anticipated because I also decide to drop Mia off at her house and the storm begins to pick up a lot on the way.

Once home, I'm about to get out when I see a small bag in the back seat. Jamie must have left it there. Grabbing the bag, I run into my house and place the bag on the table before running upstairs to have a shower and change into something comfortable.

Once I've changed, I go to watch TV for the rest of the afternoon, occasionally texting Mia between that. Realising how late it is, I slowly tread up the stairs and go to bed, reminding myself to give Jamie his bag back tomorrow.

We aren't at rehearsal tomorrow.

The morning rolls around and I wake up to the bright sun shining in my face. I slowly rise from my bed and get dressed. As I go to have my breakfast, I glance towards the front door and see Jamie's bag. I remember that I have to go back to his house to return that to him and finish my breakfast.

The rain from last night has mostly cleared and their is only a few puddles left. Driving back towards Jamie's, I think to myself about what I'm going to say. "Hey, sorry to intrude but you left your bag in my car last night. No, too...polite" I speak to myself as I turn the corner onto his street.

Parking infront of his house, I take a deep breath and walk up to his front door. I knock and wait impatiently. "Oh, (y/n) uh...what are you doing here" he opens the door and speaks. I notice he doesn't have his shirt on and feel a slight blush creep onto my face and shove the bag towards him "you left it in my car". He grabs the bag and, before closing the door, speaks;

"Thank you, darling"

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