Chapter Ten

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Sprinting back inside after the twenty seconds is up, I am handed a towel and begin to dry myself off before sitting back down, crossing my legs(criss-cross) and glaring at Jamie.

I get an idea and throw the towel at Jamie, hitting him in the face with the damp towel. He groans and it falls from his face, landing in his lap. "Is this your idea of flirting" he jokes and I turn away, going red.

Everyone laughs at me and I just mutter a simple "shut up". "Tyler, truth or dare" I speak, slamming my hands onto my knees in a joking manner as I stare into his eyes. "Truth" he answers, repeating my actions. I think for a second. "Oh! What's your sexuality?" I shrug after. "Oh, I'm gay as fuck. I like men, men are great. Especially this one" he points to Jamie and puts his arm around him, pulling him closer. Jamie chuckles and puts his arm around Tyler, cheeks slightly red.

We all laugh once again and the game progresses. "Holy-" Mia almost yells "it's almost 9pm" we all begin to get up and leave the building.

Jamie, Tyler and Mia are all talking as a trail behind them.  "You guys up for a picnic in the park tomorrow, it's supposed to be quite warm and sunny" they all agree and I just shrug, not having much of a choice.

As we all begin to walk to our cars, Tyler suddenly gasps "My friends are doing a fireworks show in the field tonight, we should go watch it". Me, Mia and Jamie all agree as we climb into our cars, Tyler leading the way. The drive seems to take hours as I play radio music whilst driving at the back of the group.

After what feels like forever, we finally arrive at the road that leads towards the field. All of us park and we group back up. The path is only wide enough for two people to walk next to eachother so, of course, Mia and Tyler walk ahead leaving me and Jamie to awkwardly trail behind them. Even though it could fit two people, the dirt road was quote thin leaving very little room for personal space. As we walk, I feel Jamie's hand brush against my own multiple times. I ignore the feeling of blood rushing to my face every time.

We finally arrive at the field where a couple of guys are setting up a large array of fireworks before us. "Tyler, hi" a tall man with long, blue hair that he wears tied up speaks as he runs up and engulfs Tyler in a tight hug. Tyler hugs back before pulling away. "Jax, these are my friends" he introduces us, gesturing to each as he says our name.

"Are Jamie and (y/n) dating?" Tyler bursts into laughter at Jax's question. "Oh, god no. They hate eachother...supposedly" he replies. "I do hate him" I retaliate, slightly moving away from Jamie as I become aware of how close we are. "Jax, come on. They're all set up" another man, who I couldn't see properly in the dull moonlight, calls.

Jax runs back over and we all sit on the cold grass as the men converse briefly. "Everyone ready?" Jax questions, glancing at all of us. Tyler puts his thumb up and the rest of us nod. With that, one of the men lit the fireworks before all three of them created distance between themselves and the explosives. The display began.

It was gorgeous.

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