Chapter Twelve

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Arriving home, I flop down onto my bed and lie there for hours.

My phone rings. Answering, I hear Ty's voice "Hey, (y/n), some of us are having a movie night tonight. You wanna join?" He speaks. "Who's 'some of us'?" I question in response. ", Mia, Karl, Talia, Claire and Jamie" I sigh in frustration. "I'm sick of hearing that name." I groan. "I'm sorry but we couldn't exclude him". The call is silent for a moment. "Fine" I hang up.

Slowly, I climb up from my bed and walk over to my wardrobe where I pick out a comfortable outfit to change into. I do some other touch ups to my appearance before heading to my kitchen to have a snack before I leave.

Climbing out of my car, I lock it and begin to walk up to the front door of Tyler's house. "Hey" I hear a voice beside me. As I'm about to respond, I look to my right and see that it's Jamie. I turn my head towards the door again and knock. Tyler flings the door open and invites us inside where there is an array of cushions, blankets and snacks laid out on the couch and coffee table.

Most of the spots are taken except for a section at the edge of the couch. I quickly dash over and sit on the side so I can use the arm to rest my elbow. Jamie slowly walks over and sits beside me.

The movie has been playing for about half an hour when I begin to get uncomfortable. I bring my legs up and turn my body so my back is against the arm and drape my legs over the person next to me's own legs. The person rests their hand on my knee and rubs their thumb back and forth. The feeling of their hand is soothing and I feel myself slowly falling asleep.

As my head becomes heavy, I rest it on the back of the couch and look towards the person who's hand is resting on my leg and see Jamie. I'm too tired to care as I feel a blanket be placed over me and my eyes close entirely.

Jamie's soft chuckle sounds in my ears.

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