Girls or Beasts?

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I found out this first bit from Sprig

Ok so it was nighttime and Wally was walking through the woods. I think he lives there. Anyways, he must have heard me and Anne walking around cause he sounded terrified. Anne tried to ask for help but Wally just screamed and ran off. Boy, does he over exaggerate but then again that was the first time they met us.

Now it's the part Sprig told me.

It was the next morning and the Plantars were headed off to the shops. Hop Pop said some stuff about Sprig being irresponsible. I agree with that one. HP went off and Sprig just wondered about how to prove he was responsible. I think you know where this is going. Wally came running out the woods screeching about monsters aka us and that gave Sprig the idea that I would get back at him for later. Before he could do his plan, Polly stopped him and was bribed with sweets/candy literally 10 seconds later. He ran off into the woods looking for the monsters and guess what? He found 'em. Y'know how I said I would get back at him for his plan? Well, when I was scouting the woods I overheard him saying 'I am going to catch those beasts and save the town!'. I immediately knew he was talking about us and got straight to setting a trap. Anne actually asked what I was doing and I just said 'Capturing some cheeky meatballs'... she avoided me for the next 10 minutes. Anyways, Sprig turned and saw Anne with me standing behind ready to scare him. I made him choke on something and I didn't want him to die. I just wanted to get a lil revenge so I did pat his back before Anne spoke.

'Stop following us!' she erm... exclaimed? Sprig said that he tasted terrible. Well now I'm curious. Yes I'm creepy sometimes, that's why I'm such good friends with a certain curse wielding frog. You are from Amphibia right? No? Then how the hell are you reading this?! Wow the connection here's gooood. 'Why the hell would we eat you? We're not cannibals'- Yours Truly. 'You tried to eat Wally!' cried? Sprig The constant school pressure to not use 'said' is kicking in.. 'I just tried to ask 'Wally' for help! But you lot don't seem very... accepting' said Anne of Hearts. 'Yeah, he does that' SCREEEEEEEEEEEEECH ' Oh fu....lip it's back' 'MILLIE!' 'Oh shush! I corrected myself didn't I?' 'Well yeah, but for the love of god keep moving!' 'Oh sugar, forgot about that' We kept running until we heard Sprig say quote of the year. 'What the *beep* is wrong with you two?! Are you gonna untie me before I become lunch?!' Never thought I'd hear a ten year old say that word. 'Millie!' 'What? Is this for the beep or to untie him?' 'Both!' I untied him whilst saying, 'Well I didn't say the full word so I blame his guardian(s)' We all booked it to a log and pretty much fell with relief. 'You're not beasts! You're heros, extremely ugly heros' Ouch... ' Say that again and you're dead, frog boy' ' Umm... I hope not.. Anyways, what are ya names?' Anne, Anne Boonchuy' ' And I'm Millie Billoughs' ' I'm Sprig Plantar, put er there!' He threw out his hand and I immediately slapped Anne's hand onto his. ' Dude what the heck.. ewww' ' I knew he'd have slimy hands and since I can't manage sticky textures, I'd rather you took the fall' 'Oh yeah..' 'I'm sure you guys are hungry. Want any bugs?' He opened up a log and I just took one and ate it and I surprisingly didn't throw up. In fact, I actually liked it. 'Oh, this is good' 'Yeah, I'm not eating bugs' ' Welp, time to get hunting. Millie, grab a stash and come with. We can find Miss Picky some mushrooms or something.' 'You are sassy' 'I know, right A-a?' 'Wait a minute'- Miss Picky haha oh I am so calling her that every time she's picky with food. 'What's up?' 'The sky?'🤦🏻🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♂️ '*sigh* Can we even trust you?' 'Well duh! I offered you food and a chance to not die!' 'Fair point' I went to Sprig and whispered in his ear, 'You. Me. Roast contest. Tonight.' 'Oh, you are on'

This we had to get from Polly which took like an hour of candy bribes.

Hop Pop came out the shop after 5 hours and saw the mob that was after us. 'Well, more mobs. You get used to it I guess... HOLY FROGGER!' Polly looks absolutely dead on the ground thanks to her candy problem. 'Where the heck is Sprig?!' 'Erm... monster, woods, Pac-Man, beetle' 'Polly you're losing your mind. Wally, translation!' ' Your boy's gone into the woods. He's gon' be dead.' 'Oh heck no. Sprig, I'm gonna save you and then you're grounded!' I think Polly made this up. There's no way this is true. So, turns out it's true. I remembered that we asked Hop Pop afterwards and it's actually true.

Anne ended up getting those mushrooms and we sat down to... discuss. 'Ok, what the heck are you and where did you come from?!' 'We're human beings and we come from another world!' 'Or we're just delusional' I already am. 'So, how did you guys get here exactly?' 'Not really sure, one minute we were in our world' 'And then what do you know? We're on the ground with twigs in our hair and you people uhh.. things'- My quote of the year. 'Enough about us. Let's hear about why you're in the woods' I just quoted him. ' So he can "capture those beasts and save the town" that's why' ... 'Wait what?' Then in come the mob and we're all tied up.

So.... we just got played. Sprig said that he didn't plan it and I honestly believed him. He had a terrified look in his eyes that I knew wasn't acting. Then a mantis showed up and the frogs became cheerleaders. Then the mantis showed up.Sprig untied us stating that he was going to distract it. Anne starts running but I just drag her back saying, 'He'll die so we're helping him. End of'. Me and Anne each held a leg and something that hasn't happened in a while happened. My eyes glowed orange. How do I know? Well, my vision turned orange, duh. Sprig tied up the mantis but it took a final tug from Anne to get it down. Anne had a high five and I didn't join it cuz I knew what Sprig would do. Use his tongue... ew. Wartwood attempted to throw us out but Sprig defended us and I was really happy about that. He celebrated how responsible he was and the Plantars invited us to live in their basement. That was fine by me.

We were in the basement and Sprig was being cute about wanting/needing his teddies. Once he left, Anne got out the Calamity Box and tried it but of course it didn't work. She eventually went to sleep and not long after, my concealing potion wore off making my newt tail visible. 'You'd kill me if you knew Anne'. Little did I know what was coming next.


Word count: 1221

Jluov ru ehdvwv? Jrrg ru edg? Wkhuh'v pruh dgyhqwxuh wr eh kdg. D ehdvw rq wkh rxwvlgh, d ehdvw zlwklq. Wkh gdunqhvv zloo vrrq ehjlq.

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