Flood, Sweat and Tears

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So... A-a and Sprig (I need a nickname, pls give me some good ones) were playing some games and I was just finishing My Mum Tracy Beaker cuz I only had 1 chapter left. I wasn't paying attention to what the two were doing other than the fact that I was thrown out the group a little. Eh, it's fine. Me and Anne had our Gravity Falls Weirdmageddon handshake. I don't have much with Sprig but I'm attempting to get him into Steven Universe. I've got him singing Giant Woman so it's something. After... that, we ran in to see the basement flooded. Barely any of Anne's stuff was saved but I already had my whole infinite bag of books, my phone and essentials. Because we had nowhere to sleep, Sprig offered for us to sleep in his room. Anne said yes but I awkwardly said to HP, 'Erm, Hop Pop? I'm just gonna go.. somewhere.. else' 'Fine but don't be dumb!' 'I won't'. I went to Flour & Daughters Bakery, the home of my good friend Maddie Flour. I went in, knocked on the counter and worked up my courage as I waited for Mr Flour. 'Hello there. What do you need?' Here we go. 'Hi there Mr Flour. I was wondering if you had any spare rooms because my room in the Plantar's house was flooded and I didn't really want to go through the sufferings of bunking with Anne and Sprig.' I waited for a response, the anxiety crawling through me. ......... 'Sure that's no problem. I'm sure Maddie will be glad to have you here. Hold on. MADDIE! YOUR FRIEND'S HERE!' Oh. Thank. God. Maddie came down and saw me, a small smile, not a creepy one making its way onto her face. 'Oh hey.' 'Hiya' 'So, you wanna try making some potions with me?' 'Sure!' We did that for the rest of the day until it got dark. Maddie- 'Here's your temporary room. Stay as long as you need to.' 'Thank you. I'll be checking up on progress for my room around midday.' 'You don't have to speak so formal' 'I know. I can't help it for some reason'.

Night 1

I sat and read through the first half of The Workhouse Girl. I then just sat and watched the first ep of Gravity Falls until the concealing potion faded. I decided to leave my tail visible whilst I was at her house seeing as she already knew. If we ever needed to go ingredient hunting I had a few hundred potions somehow in my bag.

Night 2

I finished The Workhouse Girl! It's quite good. Cause I got used to staying up late I watched 'Legend of the Gobblewonker'. Idk if I spelt that right. Oh, and A-a and Sprig are starting to annoy each other.

Night 5

I read through Skullduggery Pleasant the last couple days and have now started Frankie's World!

Night 10

Yeah so this was the night that little did I know was snap night. Anne and Sprig found out what caused the flood and fought them. I think they some sort of eel thing? I was as usual reading and watching Gravity Falls. The next morning I found out that the flood was fixed but just in case I stayed with Maddie an extra couple days.

L'p iorrghg zlwk ihholqjv ri ihdu dqg guhdg. Ri wkh whuuleoh sdwk wkdw brx kdyh ohg. Vzhdwv ri dqalhwb vhhslqj wkurxjk, iurp ihduv ri dexvh li brx hyhu nqhz.                                          L'oo eh zulwlqj ri whduv, lq wkh qhaw ihz bhduv.

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