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Ok, straight to the point. Anne and HP have been at each other's throats. Anne going on about Earth and HP going on about the old days. 'Sprig, Polly cover your ears or run to Ivy's house.' They both immediately said, 'Run to Ivy's house.' I waited until I heard Sprig say faintly 'ZUCCHINI!'. That means that they're far enough away. So, without that to worry about I snapped at the other two. "CAN YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR TEN MINUTES YOU GODDAMN BITCHES BEFORE I SHOVE WORMS UP BOTH OF YOUR ASSES!!!" They didn't expect that sentence to come out my mouth but it definitely shut them up. Then I hear Anne say 'Please tell me S+P are at Ivy's house' 'Don't worry they are. I'm gonna give the signal for them to come back if that's good with you two?' Silence. 'Fine'. I had to ask permission first in case a swear war broke out but right when I was about to give the signal to come back, A-a stopped me. 'Wait!' I waited. 'We're gonna need some beeps' Oh god, here we go. I started, 'You two, stop acting like fucking bitches please. Curse me kilts, you two are trouble. So,... YOU NEED TO JETTISON YOUR JALOPIES FROM THIS RIVALRY THIS INSTANT YOU DEADBEATS!!!' I laughed at what Anne said next. 'Oh fuck, she's becoming Scrooge McDuck. HP run!' They actually ran and Anne quickly added, 'You can let Sprig and Polly back now also this rivalry isn't ending!' For frogs sake, why did I even try? Ok, I'm tired and I wanted to focus on this funny bit of the tale so I'm gonna sum up the rest of it. So, Sprig was tired of the bickers bickering so he prepared a stakeout. A set up stakeout. He said that only HP and Anne could do it cause he has no attention and Polly's a baby. But then what about me? HP asked that and Anne immediately responded, 'NO! If that woman stays up too long she starts to manifest as every cartoon character she likes from Bill Cipher to Scrooge McDuck to frogging Peridot!' .... That's to make her shove me into a separate room so I have chance to put on an overnight concealing potion. Ok, speaking of my tail, I should probs say who knows. Sprig was actually the second to know with Marcy being the first since I was too distracted by War of the Warlocks to realise my tail was about to be revealed. She promised to keep it secret. Third was Maddie as you probs know from a couple chapters ago. And fourth was Hop Pop. Yup, I let Sprig tell Hop Pop in the tale of the last chapter. I'm getting off track. The stakeout was a mess cuz HP and Aang were delusional but they did get an actual bond. I had a lingering feeling they would fight again in 4 months time.

You may be thinking, why did I post this on a Wednesday/Thursday instead of a Friday? Well, I've been back from Amphibia for a couple weeks now and to help bond after everything, my parents decided to take me camping at a festival from Friday-Monday and I'm pretty sure I won't be able to write my tales in a field despite the fact I'd written tales for 4 weeks with non existent internet. Point is, it was either no chapter or early chapter and since I have a schedule to keep I chose early. Thank you for listening- ✌🏼🐸🧡 Your good friend Millie Billoughs

Connections ( A tale of Amphibia (self insert)) ⚠️TW Abuse ⚠️Where stories live. Discover now