The reunion

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~Hayley's P.O.V~

I walk into my son's room to see he's drawing something with his blindfold on, I can never guess how he sees out of that thing. I hear a vehicle driving towards the house and by the way Cyrus lift his head up slowly at the window tells me he does to. Instead of staying anything he goes back to his drawing. My son has always been very quiet, I just wished he talked more and be more active. Instead, he liked to keep to himself and mostly draw, he likes going outside and playing with the animals that come around him but that's about it. 

"I'll go check if that's her, stay inside" I say knowing he doesn't care enough to move, Mary and Cyrus get along, but he would still rather play with himself then anyone. I walk out on the porch and see Mary pulling in. I walk down the stairs as she parks and get out the car.

"Well now, aren't you a sight" she said in a happy mood that annoyed me 

"You sure no one followed you?" I can't have her putting my son at risk

"I've been avoiding trouble since well before you were born" she commented "now, where's that little boy?" she said trying to walk off pointing to the house

"Did you find it?" I said stopping her from walking off, I know she's trying to distract me, and it won't work. I see she has a look on her face that I just want to smack off, I respect Mary, but she knows how important this is to me. Her opinion doesn't matter.

"Mary please. After all this time, I am this close to getting them back" I say trying to make her understand "I found a cure for Freya's poison, I got a witch to syphon Rebekah's hex." 

"So, you're really gonna do it?" she sounds disappointed, but I could care less "cure 'em and then wake 'em up? Did you ever stop to think, Cyrus might be better off without 'em?" now she's getting on my nerves

"I made a promise" 

"To whom? To Elijah?" 

"To my son. I promised him a home where he would feel safe and protected by the people who love him. Mary...he's a Mikaelson too. He's inherited all their enemy's and a power that...I don't understand. He needs someone to teach him to control it, I can't do this on my own." 

"You told me to wake the Mikaelsons you needed to find all seven werewolves packs, you found six, the last one, the Malraux, I thought they were killed off" she pauses before pulling out a paper from her pocket "according to this, there might be one left" I hurry to take it but before I can see talks again. "Hayley, you looked for five years you found nothing. Suddenly I get word of a lead. What if someone else found it too, what if it's a trap?" I don't respond to her as I take the piece of paper from her and walk off. I go inside the house walking to my son's room to tell him the news, when I go in, I still find him drawing and I notice the room feels a little colder. Cyrus must have changed the temperature; he likes it cold.

"Hey baby, I have some good news" I say as I walk further into the room, he didn't stop drawing but I knew he was listening "Mary found a new lead, so I'm going to go follow it okay" he nods his head and I lean forward to kiss his forehead before leaving. I'm packing my things to go while Mary is getting the U-Haul, I can't wait to have them back, to have him back

~Cyrus P.O.V~

Mama just told me the news; she was going to chase down another lead. I had a good feeling about this one, I can't wait to meet my father and the others of course but he's the one I care about most. I know we have one thing in common so far and that's painting/drawing, but I can't help but wonder what else. Even though my grandpa told me all about him I want to see for myself.

"Grandpa" I whisper calling out to my grandfather to tell him about the good news and within seconds he appears

"Yes, what is it" he replied in a kind low voice

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now