She's alive?

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~Cyrus's P.O.V~

I woke up in a dark room, feeling less then okay. I was cold and on the ground with no idea to where I was. Picking myself up, I have a look around the dark room that I was in. There was broken stuff all over the floor, blood was also everywhere. The only thing that kept the room lit was the pale blue light shining through. 

"Cyrus..." I hear a taunting voice whisper; I look around but can't find where the voice is coming from.  What happened? Why am I here, where is here? I close my eyes and try to think about what happened before waking up here. 

I know Uncle Kol asked me to do a spell for him to help his girlfriend, but I can't remember what happened after. It's all blank. I look around once again and find the symbol of the hallow.... that's what happened. She came, she came after me. 

~Klaus's P.O.V~

"We should be celebrating your return brother." I said as I walk into the room right as I catch Elijah in the middle of throwing a fit

"Perhaps later" he said solemnly

"Hayley's still not talking to you then" I guess. When he says nothing, my suspicions are correct "give her time, she'll come around" 

"Will she?" he says looking at me

~after the conversation~ 

After Rebekah announced she will handle Marcel, Elijah also left. Probably going to try and talk to Hayley again. 

I know it's selfish, and I know it's wrong, but I'm hoping Hayley won't forgive him so soon.

Not after I started to feel a spark between us...

~Time skip~

"We need to talk about Cyrus's future" Hayley says to me as I'm walking past her

"He's 7, were his parents, Cyrus will go where we go" there isn't much to say after that and I don't want to have this conversation with her right now, so I try to walk away but she stops me

"Klaus we need to have a very real conversation about what's best for him" she says making me turn around to take in her beautiful form

"Yes, there are a couple of conversations that need to happen but were late" trying to keep this conversation to a minimum as I see Elijah approaching. He's observant and I don't want him to see the way I look at Hayley, so I once again turn to leave and this time she doesn't stop me. 

~Hayley's P.O.V~

Something's changed. Between me and Klaus, every time I'm around him I get that same feeling I used to get around Elijah. Only this time it's different, it's...stronger. I can't quite explain it but it's like something I need, like he's...what I need. 

I turn around after Klaus leaves sensing Elijah's presence. It would be nice to see him in better shape than before but, I don't know if I'm ready to talk to him just yet. Pushing that feeling aside I turn and take in his appearance, and as expected he looks the same as he always does which makes me smile just a little bit. 

I step forward planning on saying something. Anything. To show him that it's okay, that I'm okay. But as I do, I can't help but wander back to that night, the night where attacked me. That person wasn't the Elijah I knew, and I know he has his demons, everyone does. I know he isn't some innocent noble guy with no blood whatsoever on his hands but, that night I really saw a different side of him.  So, I walk away, deciding to check in on Cyrus instead. 

Walking in his room I see him staring at his sketchbook with his usual blank expression. 

"Hey baby, drawing something?" I walk over to his bed where he's sitting

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now