Bonding and 'he won't wake up'

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~Klaus P.O.V~

"Hello" that voice, the voice of my son that snapped me back into reality. He sounded like an angel, so innocent, but void of emotion.

"H-hi" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering, but how can I not. Just seeing him after all these years has my heart racing. I didn't know what else to say, 5 years, and I don't know what to say.

"Can I go play" I hear him ask, but before Hayley can answer, he walks off down the stairs

"You have some explaining to do" I said, and I can see everyone nod

~Time skip~

Were in the kitchen, having some blood and settling down.

"Why does he look like that? What happened?" Rebekah asked confused

"Well," Hayley started and cleared her throat "his eye changed when he was about 4 we were going to have a picnic when I noticed he was wearing a blindfold. I asked why and when I looked it was green, all he told me was that when he woke up that morning, it was hurting and then it stopped. It could just be a late case of heterochromia" 

"Yea, well it's pretty late" Kol stated and we all agreed 

"As for the white hair that happened when he was 6. It started with one strand and when I asked him about it the only response I got was 'I like to play with fire' and I couldn't get anything more out of him, he isn't big on talking. I tried to ask Mary if she knows anything that can suddenly happen like that, and she came up short also. What about you Freya, you think it could be a witch thing?" 

"Maybe, I'll check the grimoire's but from what I know, there isn't anything about hair color changing"

"That's so weird, first his eye now the hair" Elijah stated confused

"True, but he isn't in any pain, and nothing is wrong with him" Hayley said, then she looked at me

"Maybe you can talk to him" 

"Me? All he said was one word to me I don't think he likes me" Hayley scoffed

"Trust me, he may not look it, but he's exited. He always wanted to know stories about you, about all of you" that made everyone in the room smile including me

"And what's up with the long hair, it's like down to his back" Kol asked

"He likes it long, I tried to cut it, but he doesn't let me" Hayley practically shrugged off

"Well, it suits him" Rebekah said, and it did, it truly did

"I'm going to go talk to him" I said walking off. I don't know what to say to him, or if he'll even like me. But according to Hayley, he seems to think pretty highly of me. I make it over to see him painting, I didn't look what he was painting, I wanting to see it when it was finished.

"Hey, mind if I join you?" He looks at me and shakes his head, so I sit

"Mama said you like to paint to" 'mama' that's adorable 

"I do" he looks back at his drawing for a moment before he takes a blank piece of paper and gives it to me, along with some paint material

"Thank you" I look over at him to see him back to painting, I smile and start

~Time skip~ 

"Do you wanna see?" I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard his sweet voice

"Y-yea" he shows me the paining, and my draw dropped. How can he paint something like that, with these colors and brand. He's a natural, an expert, it's amazing and it's... me

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now