Comfort in the dark

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~Klaus's P.O.V~

I walk into Cyrus's room to find him sitting on his window seal, legs dangling out. He must have heard my footsteps because he started talking.

"The hollow, she's getting stronger" I was a bit confused 

"You can sense her?" 

"When we got here there was always music outside. People dancing, laughing but, since she came back it's been so quiet. Like she's draining everything out of the city." I was concerned he was noticing all this, he was supposed to be a happy kid, running around going to school and playing with friends. Instead, he's stuck in here and isn't doing much of anything. He puts his legs back inside and jump down making his way towards me.

"She already took Uncle Elijah, and soon she'll come for the rest of us" 

"Listen, Cyrus, I know your scared. But over the years, a lot of bad people have stood against our family and all of them have fallen. The hollow is no different." I said trying to reassure him 

"..." he didn't say anything, only looked down like he didn't really believe me

~time skip~ 

"If we forge a blade using the last living Labonair..." Freya hints that she wants to use Cyrus's blood for this and I immediately disagree

"We don't want Cyrus involved" I said gently not wanting to yell at her, I've been doing that too much for the past few days 

"He's already involved. Cyrus has been obsessed with the symbol that follows the hollow; the serpent consuming itself" she brings out one of the many pictures that Cyrus made "I believe this is showing us the key, the only means to which she can be destroyed, her own blood." I was thinking about what she was saying and so was Hayley judging by the silence. "The hollow's one end of the Labonair bloodline. Cyrus is the other, and we need to close that loop. The best wat to do that is for Hayley to wield a weapon forged with Cyrus's blood. When she stabs her, it's only then, the hollow can be obliterated completely." 

"Then we make it work" Hayley says from behind me finally speaking up "I'll talk to Cyrus" she walks away before I can say anything 

~Time skip~ ~Hayley's P.O.V~ 

"I don't want to" Cyrus says  

"Are you scared it's gonna hurt?" 

"No, if I do this your gonna pick a fight, and the hollow, she can hurt you." he voices his worries 

"I know your scared, I wish we didn't have to have this conversation. When I was your age, I had to deal with a lot of things that I didn't want to deal with either. I didn't want that fir you but here we are, the thing is sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do because you're the only one who can do them."

"Like you" he smiles 

"Like me" 

"Okay" he holds out his finger towards me so I can prink it. Very gently I take his finger and stick the needle through scanning his face for any sign of pain, which doesn't come. Just like when he was a baby. When I get enough, I grab a band-aid to put on his little cut but when I try to find the spot it was gone. Guess his vampire healing kicked in. 

"Thank you for being so brave baby" I kiss his forehead as he smiles at me

~Time skip~ ~Nobody's P.O.V~

Cyrus was sitting in his room, in complete darkness worried about his parents. Thinking their gonna get themselves hurt, or worse. He was so worried, all in his head that he didn't notice the shadows of the darkness reacting to these feelings of his. Moving wildly even though there wasn't a source. It moved and moved until it was at its target, until it was close enough to take hold of the little boy lost in his mind of worries. It wasn't until the shadow grabbed hold of him that he snapped out of his thoughts. 

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now