Always And Forever

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~Vincent's P.O.V~

"The hollow has been hunting New Orlena for centuries, it's an unending evil, it's appetite is insatiable, and that's what attracted it to your little boy." I'm interrupted by Klaus

"You said there was a way to save him" he says impatient and eager to do anything 

"There is. But I'm going to tell you right now, you are not gonna like my plan. Step one: we pull the hollow out of Cyrus, Step two: we find someplace else to put it. But with the book gone, I need a place that's both powerful and eternal. And in order to make the transition work I need something that's connected to Cyrus through blood." Freya catching on to what I'm saying responds. 

"You need a vampire. You want to put the hollow into one of my siblings?" her tone of voice changes as she plays her role as big sister 

"One aint gonna cut it. I'm gonna need four of them." they look at me stunned 

"Why four of us?" Elijah asks 

"Well, 1,500 years ago, when the hollow was first killed, they divided her remains. Four bones, four volunteers, four different locations. That's how were going to beat the hollow now." 

"Transfer the hollow into four immortal vampires..." Freya starts

"And just send us on our way." Rebekah finishes 

"So, the evil is drawn, quartered and separated for all time" Klaus say's in despair, and I can't help but feel bad

"And you have to stay separate. For all time, you can never see each other again. Can never go near each other again" I see all their faces fall as I watch their hearts break " that is the only way that were gonna beat the Hollow." 

"Well if it will save my little boy then we will make it so..." Klaus replies

~Inadu's P.O.V~

"Talk? What could you possibly have to say to me?" I say to the little boy whose body I'm in control of 

"I overheard my family talking" he says in a small but confident voice "you want power, right?" 

"All the power in the world" I reply with a smirk 

"I can give you want you want, you just have to let me go" he's seven and he's trying to negotiate, it's an adorable sight to behold 

"Let you go? Now why would I want to do that" before he replies I vanish from sight as I have to meet with Dominic who's gathering my loyal followers. 

~Time skip~ 

Walking down the street I see Dominic with a load of people who I can feel so much fear, but respect from. 

"People of New Orleans" his booming voice fills the street as he catches the attention of bystanders "I ask you to join your one and true savior. Pledge your loyalty, and she will free you from oppression." 

"Watch that girl, she kills witches" I hear a bystander yell as they all run in fear making me angry

Infuriated I decide to cause some chaos and destroy some streetlights and set things on fire, just showing them a fraction of my power. In my head I hear a faint voice "......come back", I shake my head to get rid of him just as his mother comes running. 

"CYRUS. baby, I know you can hear me. I need you to fight her" I smirk at her failure attempt to reach her son

"Hmp, you think you can stop me?" I say confident in my power

"I'm not gonna let you take him" before she can say anything else I lift her up into the air as bystanders watch my amazing power. With one flick of my wrist, I snap her neck and felt the consequence. A powerful headache washed over me making me stumble, I clear my throat and turn towards my followers and stand victorious. I go back into his head to find out what he did to me. 

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now