Is that even possible?

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~3rd P.O.V~

2 weeks. 

It has been 2 weeks since the Mikaelsons, Vincent and Marcel tried to free Cyrus from the Hollows control.

2 weeks since Cyrus fell into a coma

2 weeks since everyone has been doing everything in their power to wake him up

2 weeks of utter misery

They didn't know what happened or how to fix it. 

Kol, Freya, and Vincent were searching in every grimoire they can to figure out a solution, even Davina came back to help. 

Marcel and his vampires have also been doing everything they can to help the little boy who wouldn't wake up.

As for Hayley and Klaus..... they wouldn't leave his side. 

As he laid in the bed and slept, his parents were right by his side praying to any deity who would answer their call to bring their baby back to them. 

They blamed themselves, for not putting an end to this sooner, and for even allowing this to happen. Cyrus was their son, and they were supposed to do everything in their power to keep him safe; and they failed. That's how they saw things at the moment. 

They were surrounded by books and other things to help but besides that, they barely ate, sleep or did anything besides research. 

2 weeks of absolutely nothing. No results, and no idea what went wrong that night.

Unknown to them, Cyrus fell into a coma because he merged with Inadu. His body is recuperating, getting accustomed to the changes he made to his body. 

Unaware of the chaos happening around him, he slumbers as his body processes the new power he just inquired. 

The family got so desperate to the point where they contacted Bonnie Bennett hoping she could help, but of course; she was just as clueless as the rest. 

Mikael, however, was watching everything unfold wishing he could comfort the boy's family and let them know that everything was alright. But he couldn't show himself without causing more damage, it wasn't time yet. 

Thankfully, some of Kol Mikaelson's good deeds came in handy. As he promised he keep witches safe for eons and know they're going to repay the debt. So, they whispered in his ears. They told him about how they gave Cyrus a spell to stop/help the Hollow as they (the ancestors) wanted to help the boy and keep his family together (lol I'm just making this stuff up guys, pls bear wit me). 

"I GOT IT, I GOT IT" Kol Mikaelson yelled as he made his way through the eerie mansion that became dead in the past two weeks. He stopped at the center and placed a spell on the table as everyone who was helping quickly surrounded him. 

All at once they started asking questions, no one taking a breather in between in hopes to finally get some answers. 

"QUIET" Kol shouted successfully shutting everyone up "I know why he isn't waking up" that earned an eye roll from Klaus who was very impatient.

"Well obviously since you called us down here, now get to the bloody point and stop wasting time" Klaus to put it nicely looked dead. His eyes were sunken, his skin had a grey tint from not feeding and his demeanor was off, same issues with Hayley as they choose to be by their child's side instead

"The ancestors, they talked to me; told me what was wrong with Cyrus" 

"The ancestors!?" he was interrupted by a surprised Vincent 

"Yes, now stop bloody interrupting" Kol pointed to the spell on the table "while you were performing the spell to get the Hollow out of Cyrus, he was performing his own spell" 

"How is that possible, his magic was blocked off and he was unconscious!" Freya voiced her concerns 

"I'm not sure. What I do know is that the ancestors gave him the spell" Everyone gathered around and started reading it, those who were well versed in spells let out an audible gasp making the others look up and ask questions 

"This is a binding spell of sorts" Davina said 

"More like merging" Kol corrected "the ancestors gave Cyrus the spell to use so he can merge with the Hollow keeping her bound to him. Her mind, body, soul and even her powers. They have become one" 

"W-why? Why would he go through with this? Why would the ancestors even give him a spell like that?" Freya rapid-fired off not understanding 

"He's so young.. he probably didn't even know what he was doing" Rebekah voiced 

"S-so what, he can keep her under control now or something?" Hayley's voice cracked as she spoke, and everyone felt for her 

"He's going to be fine Hayley. I promise. His body is just getting used to this's quite a lot; especially for someone his age." Kol reassured

"Hey..." Marcel came up beside the two unhealthy devastated parents "you guys should clean yourselves up" they went to protest but Marcel's raised hand stopped them "we're all here. We're going to watch over him, nothings gonna happen, promise." after a moment they both agreed it was the best thing so they could get strength back up

Together the two parents shared a meal outside the bounds of their home not wanting to be far apart from each other. They walked together until they somehow ended up at the Bayou, they both needed to let their wolves out for a hunt as they were getting angsty as hell. 

Not even thinking anything of it they shifted together and went on a quick hunt; sharing their meals as they went. The anxiety eventually settled down enough for them to lay together; without even realizing it they begin cleaning each other up, lapping at each other's fur making sure to get every nook and cranny that was covered in blood, making sure each other was clean. 

Not at all weirded out by what occurred between them they shifted back and redressed into their previous clothing next to each other. Maybe if it were under different circumstances, they would have taken into account what had happened between them, but with their child and his needs on their mind; it was the only thing they could think of.

It has only been 30min and they returned back home to freshen up. They didn't know why they entered the same room. They don't know why they entered the shower with each other. It was like their minds were completely blank, except for one thing; their child. Werewolves are pack animals, and with both Klaus and Hayley being alphas and having sired a cub; their wolves were being very overprotective and didn't want to separate from pack, which means they didn't want to separate from each other. 

Having figured out what was wrong with Cyrus, everyone took a well-deserved break and went to their respective homes to catch up on some much-needed rest (except for the ones who lived there obviously). Klaus and Hayley returned back to their cub side and laid next to him waiting for him to awaken; and just like that, they fell asleep. 

Word count: 1173

I hope this was a good enough chapter for everyone to read! I know much isn't going on, but the series ended last chapter and it's completely going into a new course of direction. Meaning last chapter was the last I will be writing from the show and from here on out it is going to be completely original since I don't like how the ending of TO turned out. I know I already said this, but everyone will get their happy ending, especially Cyrus/Hope because they deserve it. I hate the fact that Hope was orphaned in the series, she shouldn't have lost both parents. So, everyone will live ;)

I don't know if this makes any sense to anyone, but I quite like the way it's going. 


CREDITS to owners

The ONLY character I own is Cyrus Mikaelson 

TO does NOT belong to me

Til next time....

Klaus Mikaelson son; Cyrus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now